Wow Ive never had anyone yell at me through the window before. But several times I’ve been seen at home by soliciting individuals and I’ve just shut he curtains and not answered the door. If they’re payed at all it’s by the number of people they sign up, they shouldn’t waste much time on someone who clearly doesn’t want to buy into what they’re selling. If they continue to knock after that you may have to open the door ant tell them youre not interested and to leave your property/stop harassing you. Depending on local laws if you document asking them to leave and they keep at it you can try calling the police on them for harassment. Or you could just call the police right away and claim that they’re trying to kick down your door and youre scared for your life. Should get a quick response and will quickly let everyone in the neighborhood know not to knock on your door. Just be careful nkt to cry wolf too much.