In which game did you spend the most hours?
I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.
I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.
johnnyjayjay, I don’t know how much time I’ve spent in Minecraft, but it’s probably over 1000 hours.
Second place certainly goes to LoL. They reset the statistics at some point but my guess is also close to 1000 (at some point I had like 700 and kept playing for a while).
I don’t play either of those anymore though.
EnmaAi22, The game with most hours has to be Minecraft. I don’t know the exact amount but it has to be at around 4000 hours.
Second is CSGO with 3600 hours
Third is league of legends with around 3000 hours
Followed by Gmod with 900 hours
Fortnite with 600 hours
Fall guys with 500 hours
And after that it doesn’t really make sense to list them
I was very addicted to gaming in my youth .
nix, Monster Hunter
feebl, CSGO.
bedheadkitten, I dont know exactly but I have around 300 hours in every soulsborne game inkluding elden ring. Such good times.
netr0m, Definitely Morrowind! The Elder Scrolls III. Oh, I might actually start it back up again at some point… Maybe one should try the Tamriel Rebuilt mod.
swnt, Life.
9 months until your game finally goes beyond loading screen. You pay it permanently and cannot stop playing it - and if you intentionally stop playing, you can’t play again. No savestates - which sucks for exploring alternatives. You also don’t get asked whether you want to play or not as well - you just get thrown in. Also there is no character selection screen and you start with whatever stats, region, context, etc. you rolled.
However, it is definitely quite interesting and gives you really very realistic experiences. Did I mention, that it’s much better in its immersion than all the AR/VR stuff and co? You even can properly smell and taste stuff there!
DubiousInterests, Arma 3 and that is mostly “Escape From” as it’s an easy drop in game mode. Although I think I still have way more hours in Europa Universalis 4 but that isn’t counted for… reasons.
Also I swear my hours used to be way bigger years ago. I am not crazy right? Like only 170+ hours in TF2 I have definitely played that way more.
fuzzybee, (edited ) Definitely factorio, but I can’t tell you how many hours. I started playing on steam, but then downloaded it from and had multiple installs so I could play different mod packs. Steam says 1100 hours, but it’s got to be 3 or 4 times that, total. I’ve played multiple saves that took several hundred hours
Silaor, Do you know of a factorio community on lemmy? I tried looking but didn’t find anything.
fuzzybee, I subscribed to !factorio but it doesn’t have much traffic.
AlexWIWA, I’ll join too. Let’s give it traffic
Silaor, Thank you, subscribed!
arcrust, Same here. Steam says 200 hours. Which is a lot for me. The next closest is NMS at 50 hours.
My play time is also higher because I have played many hours offline and then reset my computer so it didn’t track that time.
It’s such a ridiculously addictive game. I regret nothing.
fuzzybee, My longest NMS save is 80 hours. I mostly just do the expeditions.
pickle_party247, War Thunder. Well over 2000 hours across two platforms. I regret every minute and every penny spent.
KobeForAccuracy, Nioh 2. The more you play it, the more there is to do
Cleridwen, ooh, astroneer is great! haven’t played it myself but seen some gameplay of it. mine is Planetside 2 with about 2400 hours… most of that is from the past two years I’d say
MickyGee, I haven’t played Planetside 2 for a few years now, how is the playerbase these days? When I left they had started limiting access to maps due to dwindling player counts.
loom_in_essence, Either skyrim or oblivion. probably Oblivion. It’s the most immersive game world I’ve encountered. Emminently replayable.
VediusPollio, Rocket League, Halos, Command and Conquers.
mamotromico, FFXIV with over 5k hours.
plopo, Types /playtime
nac82, I have so many thousands of hours of rocket league across so many platforms at this point.
Worst part about transferring from console to PC was all my playtime data being lost.
TheDonkerZ, That was me too! I guessed I had around 2k hours in RL overall, but Destiny 2 has recently just eclipsed 2k hours on just PC. Probably have 2500 in that game total now.
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