I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.
Also Rocket League. I’ve got like 2K hours and managed to get to Grand Champion (1) once, but usually hang around in Champ 2 or 3. In a way I just play like a very consistent Diamond player though. I can semi-reliably wavedash, sometimes manage to hit a half flip, and can’t do any flip resets, musty flicks, etc. I solely rely on positioning, shooting at the right time, fast aerials, bumping, and boost stealing.
Embarrassingly, I typically only.pkay ranked and am D2 in both 2v and 3v … but, I haven’t played in 2 or 3 months now and I understand they’ve changed the MMR or how players are ranked. Btw, I’m old
Arma 3 and that is mostly “Escape From” as it’s an easy drop in game mode. Although I think I still have way more hours in Europa Universalis 4 but that isn’t counted for… reasons.
Also I swear my hours used to be way bigger years ago. I am not crazy right? Like only 170+ hours in TF2 I have definitely played that way more.
9 months until your game finally goes beyond loading screen. You pay it permanently and cannot stop playing it - and if you intentionally stop playing, you can’t play again. No savestates - which sucks for exploring alternatives. You also don’t get asked whether you want to play or not as well - you just get thrown in. Also there is no character selection screen and you start with whatever stats, region, context, etc. you rolled.
However, it is definitely quite interesting and gives you really very realistic experiences. Did I mention, that it’s much better in its immersion than all the AR/VR stuff and co? You even can properly smell and taste stuff there!
I don’t know how much time I’ve spent in Minecraft, but it’s probably over 1000 hours.
Second place certainly goes to LoL. They reset the statistics at some point but my guess is also close to 1000 (at some point I had like 700 and kept playing for a while).
According to Steam, Arma 3. But I know for a fact that a lot of those hours were not technically in game because I would spent hours upon hours in Notepad++ scripting for my modules while I had the in-game editor running in the background to alt-tab in an test things every now and then.
TF2 is second, and that’s all actual play time, baby.
However, in Ultima Online I spent a good 8+ hours a day, every day, from 1997 to 2003. So probably that; I just have no actual counter for the time put in.
Because I’ve been playing on and off for around decade - if not a little longer - on xbox360, I’m going to say Borderlands.
I still have a ton of content left in the game since I only had the zombie island and underdome riot DLCs until three years ago and even then still had only really focused heavily on my main account for most everything in game, leaving my playthroughs with the others far behind in the dust.
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