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Kolanaki, in You have a magic pill, which de-ages you by 20 years. You can take it once in your life only, so long as you are at least 20. What age — past, current or future — do you reckon is best to take it? avatar

Take it at 30 so you’re physically 10 but mentally 30.


All your peers would be annoying little kids D:

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

I’d still consider the 30 year old crowd to be my peers. I am still technically 30, I just look 10. The only downside to this is like that time I saw a dwarf being accosted by an elderly woman when she saw him light up a cigarette from behind and incorrectly assumed it was a child.


Why would you want to look like a child?! Although it could be funny showing bouncers your id (assuming you’re able to update the pic)

neidu2, (edited ) in What are some interesting thinking skills or strategies you've picked up from programming (or anywhere else, but try to stick to programming for now)

using regex to find the absolute value of a number:
$number =~ s/-//;

using regex to check if a number is odd:
print “odd!\n” if (($number / 2) =~ /./)

…and generally abusing regex for weird stuff it wasn’t intended for, because the regex engine is surprisingly efficient.

🌼 Just PERLy Things! 🌼


That is beyond obscure haha! Love it


Absolute value: if less than zero multiply by -1

Is Odd: if modulo 2 is 1

At most both of those are a 3-4 (x86) CPU instructions. There’s no way any regex engine is going to be remotely equivalent if we’re talking about efficiency.

I always had a suspicion you perl guys were crazy

dan1101, in Do you think Jon Stewart should run for president of the United States?

From what I’ve seen of him he is very intelligent, I generally agree with his views, he doesn’t seem to have have anger, greed, or vanity issues. I’m not sure his temperament would produce good Commander in Chief decisions but overall he seems like a great candidate.

douglasg14b, avatar

Is that because of who he is or because of his TV personality?

How about we stop encouraging celebrities to hold political office…?


I’ve only seen a few minutes of him on TV. I can’t think of many politicians whose positions I like and who wouldn’t bow to corporations.

Gigan, in Do you think Jon Stewart should run for president of the United States? avatar

The last populist TV personality worked out great, so why not?


Is Jon Stewart considered a populist?

Gigan, avatar

I would consider him one, since he hasn’t held public office before. But I’m not sure if there’s a more strict definition.


The Democrats should be forced to nominate him, just to even things out.


“Popular” would probably be more accurate.


populism as an ideology that presents “the people” as a morally good force and contrasts them against “the elite”, who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving … Populists typically present “the elite” as comprising the political, economic, cultural, and media establishment, depicted as a homogeneous entity and accused of placing their own interests, and often the interests of other groups—such as large corporations, foreign countries, or immigrants—above the interests of “the people”.

jj4211, in You have a magic pill, which de-ages you by 20 years. You can take it once in your life only, so long as you are at least 20. What age — past, current or future — do you reckon is best to take it?

I’ll go for another angle, since the ‘about 40’ has been done to death.

If this is a pill that de-ages but does not de-mature you, go for it at 20. On the way to 20 you are maturing, but also aging. Who knows what mature, but with newborn level ‘age’ health might look like. Imagine the boost from a 40 year old to a 20 year old, but starting from a baseline of a 20 year old.


Sounds like a Black Mirror episode: The mind of a 20 year old in the body of a newborn. Incapable of doing all the things, that a 20 year old would think of. Many years until you are allowed again to do things, that you are actually mature enough to do.


Well, if it ‘de-matures’ then certainly would say older, at least mid 30s.

Lots of wiggle room in the question.

Some assume outright time travel, to repeat your life exactly as it were.

Then there’s the question of maturation versus just the degenerative effects of aging.

Is it just the natural break down or is it also “wear and tear”, and if “wear and tear”, does that extend to damage from disease or injury? Can you reset to before an amputation if one were needed? If that’s the case you’d want to hold on to that pill until you really start feeling things or have an injury. In school a girl was in an accident and got her leg amputated at 7 or so, so I wager for her the answer would have been certainly under 27 if it got her leg back, even if it meant dealing with a preteen body for a while.

xkforce, in How do you cope with the state of the world today?

Either turn the news off or do something about it i.e protest, donate to the ACLU etc.

Watching the news and not taking any tangible action is a recipe for depression and is thoroughly pointless.


I see you’ve met my father-in-law. Quite the party pooper

Cheesus, in Do you think Jon Stewart should run for president of the United States?

No, he would only split the votes for Dems and give Trump an easy win


Op did not specify this election


He didn’t specify what election, so I specified this one


That’s not the way it works

turkalino, avatar

Ah yes, the token argument that establishment Democrats use when a reasonable candidate who isn’t theirs comes along


You think Biden running on the democratic ticket, trump on the republican, and Stewart on an independent ticket would have no impact on the election for Democrats?


I would expect him to run against Biden in the democratic primary and not pursue the office as an independent if he lost, like Bernie did.

turkalino, avatar

Not what I’m saying at all. I’m fully aware that the “fringe candidate” would “steal” votes from the establishment candidate, but honestly? I’d take another Trump presidency if it actually lit a fire under the Democratic Party’s ass and got them to start endorsing candidates who voters actually want, rather than minimally focusing on being the lesser of two evils. The Republican Party deserves all the shit they get, but you gotta hand it to them, at least they’re backing candidates that their voters actually want.

Canopyflyer, in How do you cope with the state of the world today?

Keep in mind that American news is not really news. It’s strictly entertainment and you should treat it as such. FOX, MSNBC, CNN are all for profit enterprises and they are completely focused on that and nothing else. That asshole fuck face that owns FOX even admitted it in court under oath.

So instead of informing the public, these entities present “news” in a way that is designed to make you emotionally react, give you a dopamine hit, instead of actually informing you of anything. Are some worse than others? Yes, but all of them do it to some degree or another. I personally believe that the down fall of this country will eventually be tracked to the elimination of equal time laws and the limits of entities owning media outlets. It used to be a single entity could not own more than 11 broadcast stations. Those laws need to come back and it’s an absolute emergency that they do.

To sum up the above: You are constantly being manipulated by the media you watch to make you feel that things are a lot worse than they really are, so some asshole somewhere can make more money. Yes, your feeling of things being out of control is only because some fuck face is making money from you feeling that way.

My suggestion is do not watch TV for your news. Read. If you want to learn about American politics, read a foreign newspaper that comes from a country that really doesn’t have a lot of skin in American Politics. Better yet, get involved in your local political scene and make yourself a part of the news cycle.


I’d argue that the only fairly accurate source of news, in America atleast, is non-profit, publicly funded. PBS, NPR, etc.

For example, NPR will do a hit piece on Amazon, even though Amazon is an underwriter for NPR.

Seasoned_Greetings, in Do you think Jon Stewart should run for president of the United States?

Good men like Jon don’t seek that kind of power. They don’t want it. That’s why it’s only ever assholes that get it.

You have to step on people to make it up the ladder as a politician. Jon Stewart is not that man.

Go watch the show VEEP and look at literally any character that has some amount of power. It’s a pretty good look at the kind of person you have to be at that level of government.

Surp, avatar

Do you have experience in government to be able to claim that veep is a good example of how it goes?


I’ve worked in several states legislatures and have some limited experience working with congressional politicians. Most people I know agree that Veep is one of the more accurate depictions of the kind of people who work in politics. It’s obviously exaggerated for entertainment and there’s not nearly as much wacky hijinx, but it’s pretty relatable to anyone working with politicians.

Paragone, in How do you cope with the state of the world today?


Exactly as Stephen R. Covey pointed-out, in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families”…/1250857775/

You have a Circle-of-Concern: all the things you attach your awareness on,

and you also have a Circle-of-Influence: all the things you actually can alter.

Since the bigger your Circle-of-Concern, the LESS life-energy you have for your Circle-of-Influence, therefore you need to deliberately reduce your Circle-of-Concern, in order to expand your Circle-of-influence.

That’s it: it’s that simple.

Deny awareness-vampire processes your lifeblood.

Own your own self, more, & use that self-owning in order to make your portion of the world more-healthy.

Just because mass-media did all it could to make one boundaryless, helplessly stuck in consuming-trance, bedazzled & led-along like steers the industry is bringing into the abbatoir, doesn’t mean that you or I agreed to our lives doing/being only that, does it?

We never agreed.

It is our right to break the “agreement” that our childhoods were signed-into, before we could do any considered-reasoning.

Either we have the guts & gall to do it, or our-lives are consumed by the “machine” that exists only for sake of its own transient profit-sensations.

Owning one’s own life is a right.

_ /\ _


Very well put, thank you.

I think it’s time for me to read Covey again.

southsamurai, in Do you think Jon Stewart should run for president of the United States? avatar

Nope, and he doesn’t want to. He would not be a good president. What be would be good at is a cabinet position. Maybe even a legislator, though he’d have to figure out how to pick good staff for that job.


Is Zelenskyy a good president?


Honestly? Under the circumstances, I’d say he’s an outstanding president overall.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

And what would you say his primary qualifications and experience were before his election?


Well, he’s not a billionaire, unlike his predecessor. I generally view rich people in politics negatively as a rule.

That said: I do think Poroshenko did as well as he could, considering he was elected after Russia invaded the Donbas in response to Ukraine revolting and throwing his super Russia-friendly predecessor (who “won” the election with a lot of Russian help, hence the revolt) out.


He’s their Lincoln.

wildwhitehorses, in What is a niche interest or hobby you'd personally like to see represented more on Lemmy

Learning Scottish Gaidhlig



pelley, in What is a niche interest or hobby you'd personally like to see represented more on Lemmy avatar

Roller skating.


In the same category of outdoor roller sports;


Still a bit small on the current instance.

ApostleO, in Do you think Jon Stewart should run for president of the United States?

Should Jon Stewart run for POTUS? No.

Would I vote for Jon Stewart if he ran for POTUS? Probably.

This says less about my faith in Jon’s ability to govern, and more about my lack of faith in current politicians to lead ethically.

I’d rather see Jon make the right decisions but make mistakes, than to see a seasoned politician make the wrong decisions and execute them competently.

I at least have faith Jon is smart enough and with a true compassion in his heart, that he’d be able to surround himself with real experts, listen open mindedly to their advice, and regularly make decisions with empathy.

All that said, he’s said repeatedly he doesn’t want that job, and I do not blame him.


Jon is a smart man. If he were to become President, he would have to make the same kind of hard decisions that Obama made that were unpopular among the public. Being a world leader is like that ethics question of changing the direction of a train to run over 1 person vs 10.


No one that wants that job should be allowed to.

ApostleO, (edited )

For that very reason, I sometimes imagine a world where public office is handled like jury duty, picked semi-randomly.

andrewrgross, (edited )

To second this, I’d like Jon to keep doing the great work he’s doing, and I’d like people with similar levels of integrity and thoughtfulness who are interested and good at political activism to rise through politics and lead.

It’s a sad state of affairs in which we ask these questions, because it’s just an indication that we’re myopically focused on people with enough name recognition to discuss them.

You know who would be better considerations for president? Katie Porter. Ro Khanna. Maybe eventually Lina Khan. Despite what we’re told, there ARE people with experience leading political agencies who have shown an understanding of the back doors that have been built into our power structures and show the integrity to fight against it.

The funny thing is that when people think about potential populists for president, we get options like AOC (who I admire, but is famous more than experienced), but we don’t get enough people like Barbara Lee, who is the only member of congress who said “NO” to the PATRIOT Act, the War on Iraq, and the Authorization of Use of Military force that gave us the war in Afghanistan and our whole permanent war in the middle east. The woman is an absolute lion of courage and has decades of experience. She’s currently running for Senate, and she has my vote because she’s the only one in the race calling with the courage to call for a ceasefire in Palestine.

I love Stewart. But we need to look past the famous towards the people who’ve been quietly doing this work for many years.


That is the problem with representative democracy when each rep accounts for nearly a million citizens. You’re at the whims of such a massive voting base. Name recognition is pretty much the only thing that matters at that scale.

It’s like modern marketing and advertising. Half the time, they don’t even say anything about their service. They just want you to remember the name and recognize the logo if you see it in a store.

MonsterMonster, in Are Donald Trumps speeches nothing but largiloquent dithyrambs?

You don’t get out much do you?



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