Sometimes you have to cut your losses and leave a conversation. If it’s some rando on the internet, just walk away and try not to care what they think.
With people you know and respect, you’re gonna have to hunker down for the long haul. Remember, if you come off like a jerk, they’re going to be less likely to accept your argument. Be respectful of their position but ask probing questions. Let them see for themselves that they’re wrong.
if you come off like a jerk, they’re going to be less likely to accept your argument
Very true. Lots of people attempt to package two messages together:
You’re wrong about this
You’re worthless
Quite frankly, people should reject the second message, and people who try to package the first with the second should expect listeners to reject the whole package.
Honestly it’s probably better for people to reject that whole package of messages than to accept it, even if it means being wrong, because at least they won’t be taking that toxicity into their soul.
Someone who goes around trying to convey those messages together, to be accepted as a package, is themselves doing it wrong.
Is it? It’s ok to get a second opinion from other dentists.
If their current position isn’t causing you pain or tooth/jaw wear problems, then straightening them is a cosmetic decision. And if you didn’t even realize they were that crooked until the dentist suggested straightening them, then the cosmetic aspect hasn’t been bothering you.
In my country (US), dentistry is notorious for upselling unnecessary cosmetic procedures.
For example, I went to a new dentist and he found two “developing” cavities he wanted to proactively drill out and fill and a “flaw in the enamel” he could fix with a veneer. I thought that was weird since I have never had a cavity before in my life and the “enamel flaw” was cosmetic only and never bothered me. I went to another dentist for a second opinion and she told me my teeth were fine. 5 years later and those “developing” cavities never formed.
Yeah, I had to switch dentists because of a move, and my current dentist won’t stop recommending me braces.
“It’s not just cosmetic. It will help the functionality and longevity of your teeth.” I mean, my teeth aren’t absolutely perfect, but they function and look fine to me. I have only ever had one other dentist mention that as a suggestion forever ago when I was a kid, and they didn’t keep harping in about it.
It makes me super suspicious about it because the last dentist I had never mentioned a thing about braces, and my current one keeps bringing it up unprompted. My current one also tried to sell me a $300 toothbrush.
Well that’s not wrong though. Misaligned teeth can wear down faster, causing issues down the road. Also it can cause headaches and a bunch of other issues.
As for the toothbrush, was it the oral b IO? Mine did too, and I reluctantly bought it. The reason is I press too hard when brushing and I was affecting my enamel and gums. My dad and brother both do the same and both had to get gum grafts. The toothbrush notifies you with a light if you press too hard (or too gently), so it helps train me. I’m liking it
Yeah, I don’t mean to say that it’s a total scam…just that it’s ok to want to weigh your options to see what is worth it and what isn’t. Especially because braces ain’t cheap. And if someone doesn’t want it, then it’s appreciated to stop harping on them about it every single time.
I honestly have no idea what model the toothbrush was, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it had that sort of feature. Nice to have for some, but not something I seem to have a need for.
50s and just spent a year in braces after dental surgery the year or so before screwed up my teeth. Now I am in my retainer. In all that time I cannot think of a single person who wasn’t excited for me or at least interested in the fact I was wearing braces to get my teeth aligned.
You know the easiest way to protect yourself from the pharmaceutical industry is to go silent. No electronics, no social media, don’t go to hospitals or police stations or anywhere there might be a first aid kit.
Then there is the way that isn’t around the bend, and realise you are just imagining things.
Thanks for reminding me to never date a Nurse or Hairstylist again. Lots of nurses are involved in drugs and the salon industry just a full time party atmosphere. I’m starting to wonder what the school system is like now days. I wonder if like grey’s anatomy episodes but in schools
Correcting your teeth is something you’ll enjoy the rest of your life. Don’t let your worries about how people will precieve you now impact the rest of your life
It’s a massive pain in the ass but I say go for it. There are huge long term benefits which outweigh the inconvenience. You will probably have those teeth for there rest of your life so you might as well look after them.
I got braces at 21 and absolutely don’t regret it. If anything I wish I used my retainer longer afterwards for maintenance.
Sounds like you’ll either have to make an email for each bot or make them on an instance that doesn’t require emails to sign up.
Or, if you use Gmail, you could use your own email with a + alias. For example: If your email is then you could use as the boy’s email. It should be treated as unique by Lemmy (I have not yet checked), and all mail sent to it will automatically be tagged as Bot.
Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast)
A D&D podcast about 4 dads from our world that get tossed into the Forgotten Realms on a quest to find their missing kids. It’s fucking hilarious.
Old Gods of Appalachia
Many eons ago, Earth was a prison for things that shouldn’t be. Buried under what we now call the Appalachian Mountains, long they waited. But time weathers all things, and what were once gigantic mountains have eroded to mere nubs of what they once were. Then man, in his quest for coal, cracked open that black prison and things started leaking out… Set in “alternate Appalachia” in the late 1800s and early 1900s. A great, dark story.
Scared To Death
Think of all those scary stories you’ve ever heard… urban legends, ghost stories, monsters, cryptids, aliens… Of course, most of them are just stories right? But what if one of them was true? And, if one of them was true, what does that mean for the rest of them? Each week, they take two stories found on the internet and two-four listener-submitted stories, tell them, and assuming they’re true, discuss what that would mean. Take care while listening.
I bounced right off of Scared to Death; I guess I’m not a fan of their dynamic as hosts? Or maybe I just prefer the narrative style of podcast instead of the ‘two zany hosts’ format, idk.
Here are some other spooky ones, as well! :
Camp Monsters Podcast
Incredible audio-storytelling podcast for fans of getting into nature, sitting around the campfire and telling scary stories. The audio design is topnotch, and the host does a wonderful job. I’m usually not a fan of overly-produced sounding podcasts, but this one strikes a really good balance of audio-drama type soundscapes and one host telling you a story. The Dark Watcher episode really got me good and spooked while listening to it in bed.
Ghost Story
This is for fans of true crime and ghosts. Some crazy real-life coincidences occur to bring together a man with a ghost in his teenage bedroom and the woman he marries. Turns out, her murdered great grandmother may be the ghost he was visited by. He then uses his skillset as an investigative journalist to look into her and her brother’s murder from the post WWI era. While predominantly a true crime podcast, the descriptions of the haunting were quite vivid and scared me while I was home alone at night.
The Dollop: THIS is a bi-weekly American history podcast where labradoodle daddy and wearer of pants Dave Anthony reads a story from American history to his nemesis Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the story is about
In a similar vein, I’d like to recommend Skeptics Guide To The Universe. Mostly focused on science news and critical thinking. I believed they’ve interviewed Sean Carroll several times in the past as well.
It’s been around for 18 years, and they have a very rigid format that may not be for everyone, but I personally really like the organization of it
Check out Silverstone cases, they have a few that are understated, and make them in a variety of form factors if you wanted to do, say, a custom NAS, server or media center build.
All of that exists, don’t by an iPhone and don’t buy the latest and greatest nvidia graphics card. Buy a used 3060 for example. I am wirting this from a rooted zenfone 8, with notification light, headphone jack and on the second battery. Get a fairphone if you want to flip them in the fly.
For the smartphones I mostly agree. Even Pixels, although easily unlockable and rootable, make you jump through hoops if you want to use things like banking.
For PCs, there are still options available. Fractal have cases with no RGB and even metal side panels (as opposed to tempered glass ones) if that’s your thing. Noctua and be quiet! still make non-RGB fans and coolers.
For the smartphone, what do you mean by software unlocked parts? For the rest I’m in total agreement.
The high end graphics card market really needs more clean RGB free stuff. My 3090’s lights didn’t turn on despite it functioning just fine so maybe that counts :) ?
As for case I know you had plenty of answers already, but I recently got a Corsair 4000D my latest build it’s sleek and has no inbuilt RGB lighting.
By unlocked parts, they may be referring to how Apple serializes parts in iPhones so that you are forced to pay for repair at the Apple store. Part serialization means that if you took two real iPhones apart, swapped every component with each other, and tried to use the phone, certain features just stop working… Here is a demo from Hugh Jeffreys, who has demonstrated this problem with many recent iPhone models:
I just hope android devices never adopt this anti-feature like has happened many times in the past with Apple’s anti consumer design choices.
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