It’s not a fortunate power, but time stops for everyone and everything until you are doing something that’s even slightly productive.
The cosmic burden of knowing that all of time relies on you getting off the couch, grabbing a shower, and getting done whatever tedious chore you’ve been putting off. Constantly.
Nine times out of ten, when a question is asked on the internet- it gets taken out of contexts so the people answering can platform whatever dumb shit they feel they need to say.
Assuming I’m not mistaken about how cartilage feels to eat, I’d say neither but closer to cartilage. It’s really chewy and hard to sink your teeth into to. Honestly it’s kinda like eating gum but with a meat taste. The smell is not great though and often overpowers a lot of food without lots of preparation. Honestly kinda hate tripe overall.
I have said it before, but it is worth repeating, if you want to transfer a large file over the internet between two persons, Bit Torrent is still a good solution.
You obviously need to encrypt the data before sending it, but 7zip should sort that out for you, you then just create a torrent and send the torrent file over, and seed the torrent until completion.
As long as the file is securely encrypted and both sides terminate the torrent as soon as the intended recipient has the file, the risk of data leakage is minimal.
One for every room I intent for humans to survive in, plus one in each car. Also recently upgraded to hardwired CO/smoke detectors and each bedroom also has a combination alarm that uses Z-Wave to alert me anywhere, just as a backup. Also, we practice fire and earthquake drills monthly, along with a couple of other scenarios that are more rare/less dangerous.
Take a look at the fault lines around California. There’s lots of seismic activity, and we’re close to train tracks so we have gas mask drills too (added after what happened in East Palestine). Given the major large-scale risks in our area are fire, earthquakes, and a train derailment spilling chemicals, those drills seem prudent.
Yes the dry powder type which is most common, can go “bad” usually from excessive moisture in the pressurization gas. This causes the powder to clump and no longer come out.
This can be prevented by inverting the extinguisher a few times a year to make sure the powder is still “fluid” and to break up any clumped up powder.
I don’t normally listen to rap, but ngl that song does slap.
I’ll throw in something completely polar opposite that I’ve been listening to a lot again lately. Chill vibes; not sure if I can call it EDM or what exactly it falls under.
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