Lord of the Rings - Battle for Middle Earth. Great game from like 2004; there’s a super niche online community that still keeps the games downloadable and in great state.
On a completely different direction, if anyone is bored and wants to try K Dramas, check out Crash Landing on You - it’s about a woman who ends up in North Korea after a paragliding accident, and tried to escape.
I do miss the atheist vs theists debates reddit had. It was kinda interesting hearing the same arguments over and over but having to study them in new ways.
Ok this one is arguing God exists because humans can think. Now I have to spend a few hours learning about animal intelligence. Ok this one is bringing up a first cause argument. Now I have to read the really long ebook NASA put out about the Big Bang.
It was fun challenging myself and I ended up learning.
The games are part of my childhood, and they aged really well, so if I don’t stop myself from playing them all the time the muscle memory kills all the joy from playing.
Same thing with the two anime series - I love both but it has been a few years since I watched either.
Sometimes I feel like I should rewatch FMA B but then I’m like, nah I still remember it perfectly. To me it’s just a perfect execution of what a story should be.
One TTGL episode that I occasionally watch (even if avoiding the rest of the series) is ep11, when Simon snaps off his grief and guilt. It’s amazing how the right context makes even something as silly as “ore wa ore da!” (I’m me!) sound awesome.
Would rather he didn’t but I doubt I will ever vote R for any position above dogcatcher ever again. So if he wins the primary I would end up voting for him.
Most comedy specials, the George Carlin post today reminded me of that. If you listen too frequently they’ll lose their punch, and you’ll stop listening to what they’re saying. Every few years I’ll listen to him (and a few other comedians) and it reminds me of everything
To be clear I hate religion but wisdom is where you find it.
The world Sidrattha (the Buddha) lived in is more horrible than anyone alive can imagine, except maybe North Koreans. In a culture where you were legally allowed to beat an untouchable they let their shadow pass on you, in a culture where the penalty for a slave caught praying was to have their tongue ripped out. In this world he taught a message of the inherit goodness and inner strength of humanity. His last spoken words were to remind people that no one needed him and they should work on themselves with diligence.
Now if he could see our potential in that hellscape I think we can manage to see it. And no I don’t think you or anyone else should become a Buddhist.
Or whenever using your credit card online. The pro version would be that it turns off functions successively depending on your BAC. At some point the only unblocked function would be to call a cab to go home.
So if you have ever dealt with PLCs beyond the basics you know that timing/parallelism is a clusterfuck of misery and pain until you get to the point where you can master it.
I am pretty decent at keeping multiple things going as a result.
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