I think no. On social media, yes, sure. But otherwise no, the past was more tightly controlled societies. Fashion had less freedom, behavior was controlled from top down more, there was way more conformity to styles and in enforcement of all sorts of things. There was always makeup, foundation garments, heeled shoes, etc.
I do think the technology has improved though, people can get closer to their ideal look. But I don’t feel like I have to participate in that world, nor do my kids. One of my sisters, and her daughter and family do live that “highlights reel” life but not many people I know do live like that, and I guess the main difference to me is I don’t feel like I have to.
I don’t know what you mean by ‘fake.’ Do you mean people have a different public persona than a private persona? Because I think that’s been true for most of the history of civilization.
Older than that. I, as a layman, suspect it might be one of the points that indicate the development of conscious thought.
Because Chimps, Cuttlefish and Crows can and do lie to each other in the wild.
Chimps will cheat on each other(i.e. a non-dominant male in a group will pair off with a female chimp, but the female chimp remains paired to the more dominant male of the group. Even going so far that the "other guy" will shield his erection from the first guy to avoid a beating.
Large Cuttlefish males will create and defend "harems" of female cuttlefish during their breeding periods. Smaller male cuttlefish are known to pretend to be female to sneak into a harem and mate with them.
Crows will make false caches of food if they suspect they are being watched by another crow.
Oh for sure. We already had complex social relationships that involved lying when we were only homo erectus and likely incapable of speech and were hunting full grown elephants and hippopotami(yeah, simple stone tools against those monsters required some serious teamwork). I think that creating a social face for those you DON'T know, though, had to come about once we were in a situation where there were people we interacted with that we didn't know. Hunter/gatherer societies generally still operated with too much of a cohesion for you to truly be "fake".
Hmmm I don’t really think so. Everyone has always tried to have a perfect public image since the days of yore (unless you have fuck you money). It might seem that way if you spend a lot of time on social media though, I don’t have anything other than lemmy and I’m pretty happy with it.
Even though I believe I’m right, there’s always a possibility of being wrong. Learning to live with this realization hasn’t been easy since I really like being right and hate being wrong. I suppose lots of other people feel the same way.
No matter how hard I try, I am still wrong about a bunch of stuff, so it’s good to come to terms with this reality of life. Accepting it is easier than trying to fight against the inevitable. Once you realize you’re wrong, acknowledge your mistake, fix it, and move on.
On mobile devices have a look on newpipe and libretube, you’ll find them over f-droid or as APK directly. It’s been months since I’ve watched ads. Don’t forget to donate, it’s very easy, even if it’s only one buck, they’re fighting for a good cause.
Look at the reputation of the seller and usually if they specialize in only laptops that’s a good sign.
Additionally avoid really poorly made laptops, I usually avoid most HP laptops because they have the rigidity of a wet newspaper and break all the damn time. We get a lot of them for repair and it’s labour intensive and expensive. Some dells are just as bad so be careful.
Most of the time Thinkpads are pretty solid little machines and have pretty good build quality. Additionally if you want something to last it’s worth looking at business and professional machines, many consumer grade ones suck.
A specific seller I have bought from are “PC Server & Parts”. They have a free 90 day warranty and good customer service, their prices are also very competitive too. I would recommend looking at their website too (true for many eBay sellers) since the prices may be cheaper (eBay charges a fee to sellers).
Thanks for that too. My wife is also pushing for a Thinkpad, because the library where she works uses them and they’ve had a lot of good luck. They are a little pricier, but I think it’s worth it too. I wouldn’t trust anything by HP at this point. They’d probably charge a subscription fee just to turn the notebook on and brick it if you didn’t pay like their printers.
I’m sometimes baffled by people. My dog is a member of my family not a pet. My job is to protect her not hurt her. Surely a tall enough fence and a solution to prevent digging under are better than a torture device???
Are you guys all locking your dogs outside for long periods unsupervised?
As a guy that works at a repair store, used laptops are insanely cheap. You’ll get a much more powerful and capable laptop if you go used, and you’re not at any risk because many reputable sellers and refurbishers will provide warranties too.
Most importantly when looking on eBay for laptops you want an SSD, if it says it’s using an HDD or “hard drive” avoid it. SSDs are 6x faster or more than HDDs and are much more reliable in mobile devices. They are cheap now too and most quality refurbs will have an SSD in most of their devices.
A lot of SSDs are somewhat low capacity so make sure she gets a little more storage than what she needs right now, but also external storage is pretty effective if the laptop’s storage gets a little full.
Other important features. 1080 HD screen. This will be really nice to have and often means that the processor on the laptop is pretty decent too for day to day tasks (most modern CPUs on many computers are far more powerful than most people ever need).
8gb or preferably 16gb of RAM. A lot of new computers today have a lot of RAM, which now means software devs are a lot lazier optimizing their programs. More RAM nowadays is really important and for good longevity I highly recommend 16gb.
Availability of parts. If you’re interested in a laptop, open a new eBay tab and put in “laptop model number parts”. If you see an abundance of cheap parts available that’s a very good sign. This means repairs are not only possible but likely easy and cheap.
Additionally feel free to ask questions, if you see a laptop that’s great but lacks a bit of ram, or has an SSD a little too small you can ask the seller to upgrade it. It’s gonna cost a little but shouldn’t be much. Unfortunately screens and processors (in most cases!) cannot be upgraded and usually not worth asking.
Thanks, I really appreciate the advice! I think I’m going to take someone else’s recommendation and get a refurb from NewEgg because the prices look good, but I wanted to know about the RAM because that seems to be a big price point. If 16 is preferable, that’s what we’ll go for, so thank you for telling me about that. I was planning on getting an SSD instead of an HDD anyway due to the speed and reliability as you say. I’m not too worried about storage because I am guessing most of the things she has to save for school will be cloud-based. Certainly in the (shitty) online program she’s in now, all of her work is done in the lessons, which are sort of PowerPoint slides but more interactive. I don’t even know for sure if we couldn’t just go with a Chromebook instead, but they say Windows or Mac OS, so I have to go with what they say. Anyway, it looks like Chromebooks aren’t any cheaper than refurbished notebooks running Windows 10. Thanks again for the advice!
I work in repair and we often simply use eBay. We do sometimes get items from AliExpress when it isn’t available on eBay however. We usually use eBay because shipping is generally much faster, and easier to return defective items (plus batteries from there are sketchy at times).
Depending on the part there may be other suppliers, like in the US we have used bright focal for laptop screens and there are likely different suppliers for Europe.
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