Personally, I block anything related to news&politics on the fediverse (same on reddit).
Humans have a structural problem with any system that allows voting on the visibility of headlines. It encourages outrage, populism, attention grabbing headlines while discouraging more refined factual discussions. Kinda like tabloid journalism.
Reddit has the same problem and way worse, but with enough time it will happen here too.
Most users read the headline before giving their own opinion, not many take their time to read a majority of other comments and the least amount of users actually read the linked article (which is to be honest also often the fault of the quality of an article, i.e. being too long, boring and partially ai-generated).
This results in the most lukewarm most agreeable opinions being top comments, while they're also oftentimes being uninformed.
This is just what I gathered from my own personal experience with social media, I don't have any good sources to back up my claims.
If there’s an agenda, people will lie. Keep that in the back of your mind when browsing. The extent to which people will lie depends on what there is to lose and what there is to gain. There is also mass delusions, which spread because the majority of people aren’t willing to take a moment to think critically or be skeptical about things. Short-form content exacerbates this and everyone wanting to be the first to spread something make the whole issue worse. To the point where things get fabricated because that naturally speeds up the production of content, rather than it happening organically and then reporting on it. The Internet as a whole has amplified this a lot.
Yeah. It replaced message boards of old but it doesn’t fill the same purpose. It’s next to impossible to build a knowledge base there, for instance. It is optimised for an endless stream of shitty memes, though.
Yeah, it’s still totally around, and pretty popular for very low budget meals. And here in the Midwest at least, spam over rice and spam sushi is associated with Hawaiian cuisine.
The only way I see to fix this issue is to use a different search engine which doesn’t rely on google or bing. I only know of one which is brave but please let me know if there are any others.
The reason I say this is because it will increase competition and is better for users.
Maybe we can have a fact-check community. People could post there if they find fake news or they could request fact-checks of information by others. It should be a community with strict rules on referring to sources, creating valid arguments, etc. and content should only be banned if it does not adhere to these rules.
A bit similar to what happens in scientific research. I will reject a paper if there are issues with its methods. I will not reject it based on its conclusions if the methods are fine. I think this works in academia, why wouldn’t it work with the right moderators here? There are still a lot of people who value truth above all else and in this way, they would have a space here.
No, I dislike discord and only use it because friends use it. Half the time it seems to switch inputs or beg for subscriptions and I can’t even upload a screenshot because “your files are too powerful” lmao.
It’s basically Microsoft Teams for gamers. But teams at least allows full file uploads.
Eagerly awaiting a superior platform to take over.
Don’t know about Teamspeak, but you never HAD to pay for Mumble. You could just run the server on any machine you wanted, including the same one as your client.
It’s a chat room app. So long as I can chat in the rooms, I don’t need anything else. All the stickers and doodads they offer with the subscription are completely meaningless to me.
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