I’m 42, I was fat in my 20s and didn’t lose 100 pounds and get in shape until 31. I’d gladly take that pill right this instant, make a lot of different choices, lose my weight and get in shape at a younger age too. I would have a very different life I bet.
But alas, your theoretical pill just taunts “Now Me”!
50s. Getting back to one’s 30s you’re still old enough for people to take you seriously, but the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.
Ha yeah had that not with a sneeze but i made a mistake by taking a drink from the fridge, and there it went. Dumb thing is i can carry “heavy” stuff and be fine but i look at a sock wrong and my backs out and walk like a duck for a week.
I threw a head high kick in a kung fu tournament and landed weird, it’s never been the same. I probably tore something but I didn’t go to the doctor on account of the fact I’m American, but I manage the pain pretty well with medical marijuana and walking barefoot, at least in the warmer months.
Yeah stick with 40. What are you gonna do, be like “yeah it feels great being only 50 years again! Glad I passed up having a second twenties.” If you heard someone say that you’d think they were insane.
For me, I cannot go without the flagfox extension on PC. Otherwise, I’d probably just be going over extensions everyone else has been beating like a dead horse.
Can you explain why? I installed Flagfox and it’s interesting especially cos I used to be a web dev but I don’t get why you’d really need to have it? No offence I just wanna know if I’m missing some hidden feature! 😂
Bitwarden (replace with your own password manager)
Redirect AMP to HTML
Multi-Account Containers
With these five, you have control over the entire Internet. You can bend it to your will. On mobile, just 1, 3, and 4 (assuming you have your password manager installed at the system level, and until Containers works on mobile).
I also really like Notes for Firefox and Dark Reader, but they’re not what I’d call must-have.
True, I just wanted to be more generic before going technical (this is very vague from a tech point of view so i was testing how the idea could be reacted)
uBlock Origin and some kind of mouse gesture with rocker commands extension. Those are the only two universal types I use. Everything else I can’t live with is pretty specific to my own usage to alter the function of specific websites (like RES for Reddit, but for other sites).
There are only *two must have extensions in Firefox:
uBlock Origin
Your password manager’s browser extension
Beyond that it’s all optional. Most things I used to use extensions to accomplish are now possible to accomplish using Firefox’s built in settings or using uBlock Origin.
There are a few other extensions I use that I consider useful but optional:
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