History Youtube gets pretty whack about this because Google’s adsense algorithm freaks out when words like “Nazi” and “Stalin” appear. To name a few examples:
The second example is particularly amusing, being a video about how Shostakovich circumvented soviet censorship while self-censoring all instances of “Stalin” within the script.
Loops and recursion or just thinking iteratively in general. If you get this, then mathematical induction gets much more intuitive if you’re studying math.
Meta will become the champion of Open Source and near completely become as known for it as Google was in the mid to late 00’s. They will dominate AI to such an extent Facebook will be the inbred backwater project that no one thinks about when the name Meta pops up. I know it’s hard to swallow and believe right now, but the Zuck isn’t the driver that matters here. Yann LeCun is the person behind Meta AI and he is Bell Labs alumni beating the war drum of open source for market leadership, not monopoly, just leadership. The majority of the digital age exists on those credentials; a Bell Labs alumni pushing Open Source. That is worth betting big on IMO.
It may take a couple hundred years, but AGI lead government is coming, once conservative stupidity fades. A politician with infinite persistence and fractal attention is far better than anything finite corruptible humans with tiny attention spans can offer the public.
Part of it is the mantra “out of my control, out of my concern.” Or “not my circus, not my monkeys.” That doesn’t mean I don’t care. It means I do what I can do, and try not to despair about what I can’t change.
The amount of people who just mindlessly accepted that certain words were forbidden has ruined any faith I had of us making it out of “this.” I’m not talking about hate speech, but seeing literal baby-speak like “corn” in place of porn, “rake” for rape, or “unalive” for suicide is ridiculous. How anyone can type those out in an otherwise serious context is beyond me
I cant find the video but there was a very serious accident in Australia at a theme park and several people died. The ambulance crews who attended reported that “The patients suffered injuries incompatible with life” and the media had a fucking field day about how paramedics shouldnt be making jokes and how cold and insensitive it was and blah blah blah.
The Ambulance service had a press conference the following day which was one of the absolute best public ass chewings Ive ever seen. The guy tore into the media like a wolverine. Heavily paraphrased but - “Our paramedics are not doctors, legally speaking they cannot pronounce someone dead. They do however know that a man who has been literally torn to pieces by heavy machinery cant be helped. They have to stand there, look at that scene and make a realistic professional assessment that the patient has suffered injuries that nobody could survive and report that. Then they have to look at the next person… and report that professionally too… and then the next one… And without doing any investigation into our procedures and the why of them you decide to report on OUR professionalism!?!”
Sounds like the problem is the platforms and their algorithms, who are bending over for their advertiser overlords, who demand censorship. But nah, let’s get mad at kids just trying to make their bits. /s
Not a lifetime, but people. Sometimes the people in my dreams are so real it seems they must be people, separate from me. I am wake up and miss them. I don’t know that there is a separate word for that just wanted to say I have the same feelings sometimes.
Gotta be Nine Inch Nails! I’ve seen them twice and now Atticus is officially part of NIN with Trent they count as a proper band rather than a solo artist! ;)
I think I oghtta give them a proper go. Always liked their hits, and bands typically have way better shit than the radio has time for. Thanks for answering.
Ooooh yeah don’t bother with Ghosts. He’s been going for ~40yrs and his Ghosts stuff is more like his creative common free music he gives to people.
I started on With Teeth album but his top albums are often considered to be Downward Spiral and Fragile.
If I was you I’d listen to Downward Spiral, the Fragile then With Teeth. After that maybe try Pretty Hate Machine which is slightly more dark-poppy-shynth-wave.
By dedicating a certain amount of time for things I enjoy while pretending that the world outside doesn’t exist. That time when I watch an anime, or read a book, or write fanfiction, or cook something delicious… that keeps me sane, it keeps me from falling back on my natural tendency to focus on all the bad things and ignore the good in the world.
You cannot allow yourself to be in that “constant stress” because it wears you down and grinds your sanity and willpower like a big belt sander.
That timeout revitalises me, and gives me the balance to deal with the stresses and worries about everything else.
Obviously there isn’t a silver bullet, and mindfulness is probably the best bet here.
I’m good at breaking down problems into small chunks and not getting overwhelmed by a big project. Do I have the motivation to finish these tasks? That’s a different question.
Often when I’m working on some code, all my errors are because of something much different than what the error message is telling me. I’ve learned that often, most problems have a different cause and better solution.
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