I’m 51, I grew up with media fear mongering of the Cold War, the hole in the ozone layer and AIDS. I don’t think there has ever been a period in my life where there hasn’t been a threat in some form or another, and I sleep like a baby. We aren’t going backwards, it’s just another day at the office.
If you find yourself worrying about events on the other side of the world then you need to switch off the news and focus on what you can control in your own life. Sure, WW3 could be around the corner, Covid 2 Electric Boogaloo could be more lethal or the icebergs could melt, but we can’t do a goddamn thing about it, so what is worrying going to accomplish?
Worry about paying the mortgage, making sure your family are fed, and stay safe.
Isn’t this a mindset for complacent people, though?
Don’t get me wrong, I think exactly like you. But sometimes, I feel that by thinking this way, I’m just taking a shortcut. It seems like an easy way out for issues that should be tackled by humanity (of which you and I are a part), and instead of contributing, we’re just letting it happen.
Think about activists, for example. To do what they do, they can’t just turn off the news and be oblivious to what’s happening. They might not be directly solving the problems, but they are doing something within their reach, even if it means feeling overwhelmed, like OP seems to be feeling.
Agreed. If enough of us look the fuck up instead of taking what we’re fed… maybe it doesn’t have to be “another day at the office”? I was in middle school when we had the ill-fated assembly in the cafeteria to watch the first teacher astronaut go up, but that didn’t kill my dreams of exploring the stars (the realization in my teens of its extreme unlikelihood did).
If the “best advice” is just to keep your head down and focus on your work, then that’s more about accepting your fate as an infinitesimally tiny cog in someone else’s cash engine. Fuck that.
I stopped worrying after the hamas terrorists attack in Israel. Not because I don’t care and think this is horrible and all people should live in peace. But because it is too much information I can handle. All the media is full of wars and crisis but I don’t think there are more or less crisis then 20 years ago for example. The thing is we are so exposed with social media and news websites and stuff. I can’t even surf YouTube without getting actual news about what’s going on. Sometimes I just want to watch dumb or nerdy stuff or read some which is not related to bad things. Some say this is selfish or ignorant - well I still get enough news from the wars in Ukraine and Gaza - I just stopped reading and watching all the stuff I stumble across. I cannot even change much on the situation so it is kinda human to get used to stuff like that. I cannot even Imagine what it was like to live during the Cold War with permanent threat of getting nuked and stuff.
I guess this may be more of a project management thing, but trying to figure out what the most important part of a task is, and getting that done first.
If I’m cleaning the bathroom, I do the sink, because if I have to stop, that’s typically the grossest part.
When I’m doing my taxes, I do the stupid parts that I can’t afford to get wrong first.
When I’m packing for a trip, I get the stuff I need day-to-day sorted out and in my carry-on.
I don’t think these are great examples, but they mean something to me.
It’s installed on a slight angle, so water pools in the soap holders and around the back of the faucet. If we don’t keep it dry, pools fill with gunge.
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While age and injury has retired me from the sport, I like to keep up with what is going on in the community. You don’t do 4k plus jumps and not be addicted to it for life.
r/skydiving just became the hang out for skygods and their ilk, long before Reddit took its permanent nose dive.
At most both of those are a 3-4 (x86) CPU instructions. There’s no way any regex engine is going to be remotely equivalent if we’re talking about efficiency.
I’d still consider the 30 year old crowd to be my peers. I am still technically 30, I just look 10. The only downside to this is like that time I saw a dwarf being accosted by an elderly woman when she saw him light up a cigarette from behind and incorrectly assumed it was a child.
Well, I like to remind myself that the only constant in the world is change, and that mostly, we aren’t watching the world crumble, we’re watching it change.
And I recognize that change is hard and that it’s mostly an unpleasant process. But I also know that in aggregate, the change we’ve seen throughout history has been far more positive than negative by almost every metric. For example, I live every day knowing that an infection is not going to kill me, I couldn’t have said that 100 years ago. As a person of color, I enjoy the amount of freedom I have, I certainly wouldn’t have had that in the US 250 years ago. If you look back further, I enjoy more luxuries today than an emperor could have 1000 years ago (hell, I can eat strawberries in the winter).
The point I’m making is that in general the world is on a positive trajectory, and has been (for the most part) for all of recorded history. If you consider the context, things aren’t really all that bad right now, and history suggests they’ll get better.
For me, personally: Shit’s always been out of control, and even though it may seem like human rights are going backwards, we’re better off now than we’ve ever been. Interacting with my own kids and the college students I work with gives me a lot of hope. We really just need the boomers to stop getting nostalgic for the “good old days” when you were allowed to bully anyone who was different from you.
The kids are progress. Support them! Let them turn the world into what they what it to be, and not what we think they need.
Should he? Probably not. Would he do a better job in office than the idealogicaly brain dead choices being ‘weekend at bernies’ed’ by the highest paying lobbyists we’ve had since Citizens United? Absolutely.
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