Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch?
Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I’m starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.
I always wear a real watch because I collect them and they are the only jewellery I have and they complete your clothing style. They can gain value and I can give them to my kids one day (when I’ll learn how to make them). Also because as a Swiss I don’t really have a choice.
But I also wear an apple watch on the opposite arm, for sport reasons at first, then I got used to all the bullshit it have…
I like it for working out. I run a lot so pace setting and distance measure is important to me. I have health risks so having something that will call 911 if I am hurt is also important. I like the notifications because a lot of my hobbies involve my hands so I’m able to see who is calling or texting. I have it set up to have quick access for timer setting because I like to cook and it’s useful for working out as well. Mine also shows the weather for the next 5 hours right on the face so I can plan my runs or errands better. I like it for sleep tracking as well and it’s been very useful in improving my sleep because you don’t really know how often you wake up until you see it. The pulse measure is cool and for some of my friends with A-fib it’s downright life changing.
It is super great, highly recommend, but also understand if people don’t want one.
I’ve never understood the “all the notifications!” arguments. This community is filled with Linux enthusiasts who redesign OS’es for aesthetic pleasure, you guys can’t turn off notifications from apps you don’t want notifications from?
Smart watches do a lot more than just deliver notifications. Control music, send/ receive calls and texts (you absolutely can type with ease, at least I was able to on mine), calculator, smart assistants (Google / Siri), GPS. The list goes on.
Also, I said to disable notifications you don’t want.
That’s fantastic. A smartwatch can too. They’re used for different situations.
People can try to show off how much smarter than everyone else they are by trying to “prove” the smart watches are useless, but fact of the matter is tons of people find use out of them so it’s kind of a pointless argument.
It has nothing to do with being or wanting to seem smart. People are fed up with their smartphones already and the idea of getting yet another device that’s demanding your attention and needing to be kept charged up is repulsive. A smart watch doesn’t bring anything of value for people like me.
A smart watch doesn’t bring anything of value for people like me.
That’s completely fine. But why feel the need to try to convince everyone that they should feel the same? If I see someone using something I personally wouldn’t use I’m not gonna try to tell them “oh my XYZ can do that”, “wow why don’t you just use a XYZ?”, “seems pointless when you can just blah blah blah”.
It happens whenever done interesting new thing comes out, there’s people that use the thing, and people that don’t and make sure everyone knows why.
You don’t have to get a cellular connected watch. My Samsung operates off wifi and Bluetooth only.
While I wouldn’t say they’ll revolutionize your life, they are useful for telling time, notifications, navigation, step tracking, exercise tracking, sleep tracking, controlling music, etc. If you find a good deal on one you might try it out. My battery lasted about 3 days new and is down to about 2 days now but I’ve already bought a replacement battery which looks easy enough to swap.
I wore a standard wristwatch all the time until about 25 years ago. I began noticing that I was conscious of feeling something on my wrist and I couldn’t stand it.
I then carried a nice pocket-watch around for a while until I got my first cell phone.
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