There’s so many. Oreo changed their cream filling and you can see they only fill the rows by like 2/3 now Ebay (I honestly don’t know anyone who hasn’t had problems on the platform how are they still in business?) When I was a teen, my manager at dominoes fired me after I caught him stealing my tips. I wont even eat free dominoes
That’s a good one, it’s made my grey list so far and I will only go there on my company’s dollar if it’s the only option…
It seems that every time I go, unless it’s just for a coffee, they either get my order wrong or they need me to park in the lot for 10 minutes while they get it ready.
Last time they gave me an extra McMuffin and charged me for it, despite only ordering the one.
PayPal acts as a bank without having to follow any banking laws. You have 10k in your PayPal account and PayPal decides its theirs? No recourse for you.
Just search paypal took my money and you can read all the horror stories.
I only have PayPal linked to a credit card, so I can always pit that ruthless company against them, I guess. But it does sour me on them if that’s how they treat their merchants
Walgreens pulled out of selling certain reproductive health items in numerous states even though they would have been an ideal test case and certainly could have absorbed the costs of litigation.
CVS fucked up my meds years ago during a period i was cash pay, and then doubled down on the error and expected me to pay for it. Basically, extended vs immediate release, and $100 va $1.
Never did get an apology, or even an admission that the paper scrip said immediate release.
My employer unfortunately insists on using them as a PBM but that doesn’t mean i need to buy drugs from them.
They did another thing a few years prior that angered me deeply, but that’s neither here nor there. Something something “the law requires…” and the law verifiably did not require that behavior or process.
Also, you can bet your ass that I will never give one unnecessary dime to Express Scripts. Without disclosing too much, they have a monopoly on a thing that’s got some regulations around it, and I’m stuck with them for fulfilment. Doesn’t mean I’ll ever give them a penny voluntarily.
Seriously considered switching to a different formulation of the same long term med just to avoid them, but it didn’t make sense for my use case. Doing so would just have put me back in Come Visit Satan’s clutches anyway.
EA, Ubisoft, ActiBlizz. All for their various flavours of greedy nasty and/or sexual abuse. Bethesda is honestly likely to go on the list soon as well.
None. I’m not rich, I don’t have the luxury of straight-out boycotting any particular company. If I could, both Amazon and Walmart would be top of the list. And I’m sure many others.
Hell, I’ve been wanting to finally delete my Facebook account for years now, but Facebook marketplace is apparently the ONLY place I’m ever going to be able to sell anything. It’s the only reason I still have the account. I have long since delete all posts, photos, and literally any other data that they would let me delete, aside from marketplace posts and associated messenger conversations. Used to buy and sell constantly on Craigslist for many years, now I haven’t been able to successfully sell a single item in at least the last 2-3 years. Letgo was a decent one for a while, until the app got bought by, and then shut down by, OfferUp. And the OfferUp people are basically con artists (use shady methods of boosting the number of “active” listings, in order to artificially inflate the value of their company). It has been nearly impossible to sell, or even BUY anything on OfferUp, after several years of trying to make user of the app.
Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Blizzard/Activision, EA, Every car company (I only buy pre 2010 cars). I could go on but you get the idea. Modern megacorps are fuckin gross.
I’m over it now, but for 5 years I was anti-public transit. After working a 12 hour OT shift I took the train home. Sherriff was on the train and started checking peoples tickets. I opened my bag dug around literally 30+ other tickets, found my day pass and turned it over.
But I didn’t get a day pass that day, I got a one way because of my OT plans was supposed to be an Uber home.
So I got fined $250 for it. The crazies would just get pushed off the train but normals would get fined I guess. Pissed me off so much I just stopped using the public transit for half a decade.
I’m going to go classic and name a company that personally wronged me: Noodles & Co. I used to work in a mall and every single restaurant in the mall had a mall employee discount. It was usually a token discount between 5-10% but still it made a difference on your lunch break during an 8 hour shift. Noodles & Co. had no discounts for mall employees and one time I found a hair in my food there. It’s petty but since then I have never returned to that restaurant
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