What companies have made your blacklist?
What companies will you never give another dollar to?
What happened that put them on your blacklist?
What companies will you never give another dollar to?
What happened that put them on your blacklist?
LadyLikesSpiders, This is a colossal list
Brkdncr, I’m over it now, but for 5 years I was anti-public transit. After working a 12 hour OT shift I took the train home. Sherriff was on the train and started checking peoples tickets. I opened my bag dug around literally 30+ other tickets, found my day pass and turned it over.
But I didn’t get a day pass that day, I got a one way because of my OT plans was supposed to be an Uber home.
So I got fined $250 for it. The crazies would just get pushed off the train but normals would get fined I guess. Pissed me off so much I just stopped using the public transit for half a decade.
_danny, This doesn’t seem like a problem with public transportation, but a problem with your law enforcement.
Brkdncr, A little of both. The transit authority gave cops the job of ticketing people.
Years later and no one is checking tickets.
Pratai, None. Because I’m a realist.
AnalogyAddict, It’s not hard to not buy things.
Teon, Meta
Hobby Lobby
Eden Foods
Johnson & Johnson
Any company that includes a bible verse on it's product.
Salvation Army
_danny, Why J&J? I can understand the others on your list.
Spacehooks, They had lead in baby power at one point. I also think they did some unethical stuff with baby formula in South America but I might be wrong. Someone correct me!
quantumantics, They are also accused of knowingly having asbestos in their baby powder. As to the baby formula, I know Nestle had a major scandal with that stuff, but I didn’t know about J&J doing similar.
Teon, Correct asbestos. Women use baby powder with talc to keep things dry down under, this can cause cancer. You cannot remove asbestos from talc 100%. Don't use or consume products with talc.
EssentialCoffee, (edited ) I don’t think Johnson & Johnson has ever made baby formula.
Do you tell your doctors not to use J&J products and medicine during surgery or when you go in for regular checkups and need medications?
weeeeum, Apple. They make some decent stuff but it has repeatedly become more expensive to own and maintain because repair is nearly impossible. And because of the monopoly they are building it is guaranteed to get much worse.
Additionally everything they do has a ripple effect across the industry. The average flagship phone is now over $1000. The average phone doesn’t have a headphone jack or micro SD expansion, or replaceable battery, and are all impossible to repair. Computers impossible to upgrade. Extra ram and SSD capacity being prohibitively expensive (8gb of ddr5 is 40$, apple charges 200$, similar scheme with their proprietary SSD’s)
It’s apparent that with Apple’s continued success the rest of all of our electronics have continued to get worse and predatory to squeeze more money out of us.
We reap what we sow and if we sow a company that is hellbent on enshittifiying all of our everyday devices and gouge us for our money, we aren’t going to have any other companies left (or at least those that won’t participate in this practice)
I work in computer repair and I have witnessed first hand how hostile aAple is to the consumer. Serialized components that are impossible to replace, to perforated cables that tear more easily during disassembly. It is dumbfounding that a company with such little respect for their customers is so successful.
thejodie, Louis, what mobile device brands are repairable and secure?
weeeeum, (edited ) There are a lot of brands that aren’t AS anti repair as apple and have devices that are fairly simple to fix, like Nokia and IMO Sony. There is the fair phone that does market itself as repairable but they lost my trust by removing the headphone jack and selling their own wireless earbuds.
lastweakness, Too many.
reddig33, Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A — homophobia and weird religious nonsense/political involvement.
hperrin, I heard the other day that Hobby Lobby doesn’t use barcodes, which is really inconvenient for the staff and the customers. I’m presuming it’s for some religious reason like “mark of the beast” or something.
Sterile_Technique, (edited ) Goya. It’s easy to forget amidst the tsunami of far more severe bullshit between 2016 and 2020, but when Trump abused his authority to hawk a fucking bean advertisement in the oval office instead of leading the country during a pandemic… yeah, decided I’d never buy a Goya product again, ever.
rockitude, US Airways. They left me stranded at a layover and I nearly missed my grandfather’s funeral. When I asked to be rebooked after waiting three hours in line, they offered me a 10% off coupon for the airport hotel; no refund or credit for the incomplete flight. I eventually found a flight out. It was $2000.
oraw1234w, Us airways doesn’t exist anymore they merged with American Airlines
EinfachUnersetzlich, Should be easy, they haven’t existed for the last eight years.
makeshiftreaper, I’m going to go classic and name a company that personally wronged me: Noodles & Co. I used to work in a mall and every single restaurant in the mall had a mall employee discount. It was usually a token discount between 5-10% but still it made a difference on your lunch break during an 8 hour shift. Noodles & Co. had no discounts for mall employees and one time I found a hair in my food there. It’s petty but since then I have never returned to that restaurant
oraw1234w, (edited ) Home Depot (they helped found autism speaks),
Warner Discovery,
Anything homophobic/transphobic,
anything that supports Trump,
any company that supports autism speaks,
Globulart, What’s the deal with autism speaks? I read the wiki page but only saw a few relatively minor controversies
key, In 2013 the APA merged autism and aspergers into the bucket of Autism Spectrum Disorder which many now refer to as just autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder where on one side you have “highly functional” people who are mostly indistinguishable from neurotypical folk and on the other end you have people who cannot speak, cannot function on their own, are dependent on their family or the state their entire lives, and can often have other serious health issues.
Autism speaks was founded in 2005 and merged with groups started in the 90s. So the “Autism” in the name is not really referring to modern ASD as a whole and its focus has always been primarily on the latter group. As a result the group has advocated for things meant to support individuals on the higher severity side of the spectrum, which includes a focus more on family as spokespeople, and supporting research to prevent the worst parts of autism (a “cure”). The “cure” bit is the main issue as in the past that was literally in the mission statement and mentioned in marketing constantly.
The “Autistic community” you encounter online inherently lacks those who can’t speak or write. Autism represents an aspect of themselves they each have different feelings about but it’s very often a core piece of their identity. As a result Autism Speak’s approach is offensive because it takes an objectively more negative view of their identity (a “cure” can border into eugenics in that light) and includes a focus on other people besides the autistic individual. In my opinion, the community is unfortunately highly neglectful of those who literally can’t have a voice in the conversation but that’s a whole different matter.
_danny, deleted_by_author
ArugulaZ, Autism is bolted into my personality; it's part of who I am as a person. I take great offense at the notion that I should be cured of being me.
ArugulaZ, They're not so much "autism speaks" as "we speak FOR the autistic because the autistic can't be trusted to speak for themselves." A more honest name would be "International Karens Inconvenienced by Autistic Children."
FlashZordon, Local coffee shop.
My wife designed some ads and logos for them then they stuffed her when she asked for payment.
NOT_RICK, My wife is a creative. It’s insane how many people are totally comfortable with stiffing designers
shalafi, Because it’s not “real” work. You gotta get paid up front and put a limit on changes. You’re either good, or you’re not. Let the market sort it out, but don’t work for free.
_danny, The best thing you can do is bill by the hour, give a quote and get half of your quote up front. It works for pretty much anywhere customers suddenly disappear after the job is started.
IBSshitposter, A local coffee shop in my hometown is known for having an owner who SA’d a woman and hires only teenage girls. Fuck that place and person
morphballganon, Any company with an ad that makes me wait or click more than once.
Extrasvhx9he, Seagate, it let me down too many times
DeathWearsANecktie, I bought a Seagate external hard drive a few years back and it shit itself within the first few months. That was it for me with Seagate.
Now I have a western digital one instead and it’s much better.
Extrasvhx9he, Yeah bascially drilled the 3,2,1 backup method into my skull because of seagate
niktemadur, (edited ) The ones that I come across nearly every day in one way or another:
Twitter - manipulation, right wing bullshit
Facebook - privacy, manipulation
Reddit - manipulation, right wing bullshit
Walmart - exploitation, right wing bullshit
Nestle - exploitation
Chick Fil A - right wing/religious bullshit
Papa Johns - right wing bullshit
McDonalds - exploitation
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