Agreed. My rule of thumb is: if it takes enough more than a second to figure out why I had the tab open, then I might as well just close it and re-open it if the need to have it available reemerges. It takes a lot of effort (several seconds and a lot of mental energy) to create the mental context that I need to make use of the tab. On the other hand, opening it takes a few seconds and requires little to no thought whatsoever.
So I just close them. In fact, having too many tabs open just makes it take longer to find the open tabs that I’m actually currently using.
Cuz I use them as a way to keep tabs (heh) on different projects I’m involved in. Tree tabs are much faster for me to organize into folders compared to bookmarks since they’re already part of my flow of using tabs in the first place :)
That being said, I end up using them more as a way to search through pages I had opened before, using the URL bar. Browser history is a little more finicky to search in that regard
As for how many I can close, I tend to close tabs once I’m done with something in a project (though some tabs I keep around if i find them to be useful beyond that specific project). I also have a bunch of tabs open for music and videos that I want to share with my friends when they get time which could be closed once I share them
That’s pretty interesting, I find myself doing that with 3-5 youtube videos at a time. I’ll watch maybe two and eventually close the window and lose the others.
unless they’ve changed it, removing videos from the list I don’t want to watch always felt like a hassle, closing tabs is easier and has an easy “undo” function
No more than around 10, I actively try to keep the number of tabs I have in check. Sometimes I quit the browser and reopen tabs again as a way clear my head.
I tried keeping up with bookmarks before I entered this stage of tabbed life. I have 1378 bookmarks, almost all of them neglected at this point. Bookmarks are good though. How many do you have?
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