What country are you using lemmy from?
Me U.S.A. Just country is fine, but if you like you can include city too.
Me U.S.A. Just country is fine, but if you like you can include city too.
Friend032, Me India. 🖐️
Friend032, So true yaar
haukesomm, Germany 🙋♂️
sntx, Do I know you?
imjustjealous, Wir benutzen diese Geste nicht mehr. 😉
the_third, Vielleicht möchte er nur gerade eine Glühbirne wechseln?
Shadow_Zwiebel, (edited ) öffentlich xD
sternail, Lucerne, Switzerland
DavLemmyHav, Geneva, switzerland :)
ShitOnABrick, Geneva convention what’s that never heard of it
gingernate, Beautiful city! I visited when I was a kid, I stayed in some old army barracks.
otaj, Tsüri!
cashews_best_nut, How much gold are you currently sat on?
sternail, Go to reddit or something with these lame stereotypes 😂
cashews_best_nut, Oh your a Swiss-German? Absolutely no fucking sense of humour. Go fuck yourself Hans. Andreas Spiess is much nicer than you. :)
ShitOnABrick, (edited ) Two hunters walk in a bar both are dead
sntx, Two people meet, one doesn’t come
Macaroni_ninja, Slovakia
ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited ) Ahoj, bratře!
Vieš o nejakej slovenskej inštácii alebo komunite? Občas pozerám českú inštáciu kyberpunk.social, ta nie je ale vhodná pre hlavný účet, preto som na feddit.de, ktorá federuje s takmer všemi ostatnými a kde je odozva z Norimberka cca 25 ms.
kylua, Italy
cashews_best_nut, Mario or Luigi?
kylua, Luirio
Oha, Austria. Also hosting my instance there
cashews_best_nut, What’s the ratio of dead/alive family members in your basement?
Oha, roughly 1:7
ShitOnABrick, Sounds about right
catsup, Argentina! 🇦🇷
LunarVoyager, deleted_by_author
catsup, (edited ) Current government is ruining the economy as much as they can without admitting guilt and trying to pin the whole thing on the next government who hasn’t even had a single day of being in charge
cashews_best_nut, The Falklands will always be British!!
catsup, Copium
kuneho, Hungary 🇭🇺
cashews_best_nut, Have you noticed Orban looks like a toad?
kuneho, sure.
but IMO he looks like a big pile of stinky rotten diarreah that should have been already flushed down the toilet
Zerlyna, Tennessee USA
Lennnny, Go vols!
invisible_cunt, Looks like that lemmy is not so US dominated like reddit.
Voyajer, Still a bit over-represented vs world pop
1371113, (edited ) That’s part of the appeal to the other 7.6 billion of us. It’s an international fediverse rather than a US corporate entity. Kinda like how popular forums used to have a link to other popular forums except you can also get a feed from the linked forums. Much better. Will just take time to grow. Reddit took nearly a decade to reach critical mass.
QaspR, South Africa 🇿🇦
cashews_best_nut, Do you know Elon Musk? He’s a proper scamp that one.
QaspR, Do I ever
watson387, PA, USA
quantumantics, Greetings from Central PA!
watson387, Western! North of the yinzers. :)
gingernate, New Mexico, USA
OhFudgeBars, Red or green?
cashews_best_nut, Hablo espanol como viejo Mexico?
Persen, Slovenia
TheBlue22, Hello, my Slovenian brother, Slovakia sends love
TheBlue22, Slovakia
ChaoticNeutralCzech, Vieš o nejakej slovenskej inštácii alebo komunite? Občas pozerám českú inštáciu kyberpunk.social a mám tam aj komunitu !DeepWebCZ, ale kvôli obmedzenej federácii nie je veľa vhodná pre hlavný účet, aj keď má zo všetkých Lemmy serverov najkratšiu dobu odezvy.
(Ako sa ti páči moj pokus o slovenčinu?)
TheBlue22, Dosť fajn slovenčina, jedine “veľa” by som vymenil za “moc” a “odezvy” za “odozvy”
Ale inak neviem o žiadnej slovenskej inštancii alebo komunite :/, pravdupovediac som sa ani moc po nich nepozeral.
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