What is an obscure piece of media or videogame that you think nobody else here has heard of?
It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don't think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.
It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don't think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.
Cheems, (edited ) Ok so I don’t know the name of it. But it was a sidescroller shooter game for the Sega Genesis. You played as like a kid and blasted enemies and there were upgrades. I think it had gun in the name.
Edit: I was right it did have gun in the name
lastunusedusername2, I played this game so much
Mr_Dr_Oink, I always get this game if im installing an emulator. It was great. I liked the combinations of guns you could choose. Either power up one of the 4 types or combine with another type. Homing lazers were always my go to.
xionzui, That was the first game I rented from blockbuster. I spent all night playing it with a friend. Still one of my favorites for Genesis
Salix, (edited ) Alter Aeon is a fun MUD with multiclassing. I love my wizard / cleric / thief
They also have a nice wiki
AgentGrimstone, (edited ) When I was a kid, I remember seeing a trailer on TV for a Captain America movie. The tone of the trailer was dark and gritty, it looked like it was a drama and you don’t find out it’s even a Captain America movie until they reveal him at the very end.
fmstrat, The GI Joe movie where the hands come out of the ground still sticks with me.
fritata_fritato, There used to be a website with a rubber man floating on the screen. You could move him around with the mouse and make him stretch out in psychedelic colors. Hours spent doodling.
fritata_fritato, Not quite but close. Same effect but this was a really arty full body man that floated around the screen.
Mr_Blott, Spent countless hundreds of hours playing Icicle Works on my Commodore +4 when I was a kid and I’ve never met anyone who’s even heard of it, or remembers the +4 over the 64
Pneuma, There was this PC FMV game back in the early 90’s where there’s this woman doing all kinds of things that gets herself killed and all you do is flip the right switches at the right time and enter 3 digit codes.
One of the earlier games I had on a CD-ROM. Back then it wasn’t a disc tray. You eject an entire disc jewelcase-like thing and put your cd inside the case and shove it back in like a floppy disk.
shyguyblue, Core memory unlocked: My elementary school only had one caddy, so you had to take the disk out of the jewel case, pop it in the caddy, then pop that whole contraption into the disk drive.
SCB, There was this PC FMV game back in the early 90’s where there’s this woman doing all kinds of things that gets herself killed and all you do is flip the right switches at the right time and enter 3 digit codes.
This sounds similar to Night Trap.
Pneuma, Good guess! I looked up some screenshots but they didn’t look quite like how I remember though.
ReadyUser31, An old MS-DOS game from the 90s called Solar Winds, by Epic Megagames. It was top down and you flew around battling spaceships and doing missions in space. I absolutely loved it as a kid. Pretty sure you can get it for free now.
Actually yes hereit is www.playdosgames.com/online/solar-winds/
Nobody I know has ever heard of it. It was SO GOOD.
lastunusedusername2, When I was a kid I saw this stop motion animation on tv about a little kid afraid to go to bed. This crescent-moon headed bird man comes and steals his eyes. It ends with the boy, blind, stumbling around in the dark.
It was awesome.
maltasoron, Was it The Sandman?
Garbanzo, My grandparents knew the guy that produced this music video for a local band. I’m pretty sure the VHS copy they had was one of few in existence. It’s been on YouTube for over a decade and only has 122 views, but it’s a gem.
foggy, Ok I’m back with another but I have the answer to this one.
I sent $20 inside a greeting card to Amon Amarth back in like 2000 or so. I’m a melodic death metal nerd and Gothenburg really set the tone. anywho, I’d heard their drummer had a side project, called “Curriculum Mortis”
I got a burned CD from the band. Unmarked. I uploaded it to soulseek. The iPod it was on eventually died.
I went a solid decade with only memories of this band.
I recent found someone uploaded the whole demo to YouTube. Of you enjoy melodic death metal, especially older, grittier less.refined, and also know Amon Amarth, just know, you know something very few know about: youtu.be/H1JWaADbcsA
TheDoozer, My brothers and I had a handheld game in the 80s that was basically a star wars knock off. It even started each attack sequence with a fast version of a star wars theme. The enemies were all Tie Fighters (all digital pieces that lit up when active been off when not), and you shot them with lasers Galaga-style. If you died, it played part of Jupiter from The Planets by Gustav Holst.
It was called ASTRO Thunder.
Odo, Ninja Bachelor Party. A goofy and mostly nonsensical home movie made by a few teenagers, including legendary comedian Bill Hicks way before he was famous.
themoonisacheese, I’ve never seen a video on this, but surely someone else has heard of it.
Back in the late 2000s, early 2010s, I got a CD in a cereal box with a PC game on it. the game was I think some kind of gamified flight sim, and the interesting part is that there was a decal of a plane on top of the CD surface. On the other side of the CD, there was another game (maybe a racing game?) And it had a corresponding decal, so the CD had decals on both sides and could be inserted both ways in your player to play each game. I’ve never seen that anywhere else (2 -sided CD or CD readable surface with decals) and I remember the game actually being somewhat fun, but promotional games of the era are very often lost media.
Synthead, I did a little digging and found that Nestle added CDs to their cereals! There were quite a few different titles with different labels. Maybe these links well help you find your games?
There’s a bunch more content here:
themoonisacheese, It was this one archive.org/details/nestle_game
But in french instead of Portuguese. Thanks for the throwback!
7of9, OK, I’ll go all-in on this:
2000 AD Comics’ Nexus, The computer game.
Made for the Commodore C128 computer (which oddly ran Microsoft Basic), it was a simple single-screen platform shooter with the twist that you could pile up the bodies of your enemies and use them as platforms.
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