captain_aggravated, avatar

Okay, here’s one: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game. Not the SCUMM engine adventure game made by LucasArts, no I’m talking about the godawful action platformer that Tiertex smeared across every console and home computer of the early 90’s like shit across the handicap stall in the men’s room of a Ruby Tuesday. I knew it as the particularly heinous MS-DOS port but they put it on everything from the Commodore 64 to the Game Boy.

The controls are bad, the mechanics don’t make sense, the level design is bullshit, the enemy design and placement is unfair, the graphics are mediocre, the audio is bad to horrible depending on the port…it has no redeeming qualities.

I hope it’s obscure because lord it deserves to be forgotten. How do you take a white hot license like Indiana Jones and fuck it up so comprehensively?


The Legend of Alon D’ar. Never talked to anyone who’s played it. I know some people have due to YouTube videos, but it’s not a great game and I ended up beating it because I had nothing better to do.


Two movies from the 90s… “Ruben and Ed,” and “… And God Spoke.”

And God Spoke was a revelation the first dozen times i watched it, it was full of tiny little blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments. Haven’t seen it in years.

Ruben and Ed is just surreal, with at least two scenes that have stuck in my head lo these thirty years.


Rubin and Ed is great. I emailed the director 15+ years ago and was able to order a DVD of it. “My cat can eat a whole watermelon!”


Strings (2004) movie. It’s a trope-ish fantasy movie, but all of the characters are marionettes. The strings go up to the heavens and are taken into consideration with things like architecture having no roofs, and gates are arches that rise up out of the ground to prevent travel beneath them. Someone gets injured by the string on their arm getting cut, and their arm flops around lifelessly afterwards.


There’s this youtube channel, on which someone does piano fugue improvisations, it is really good, and it has only a few thousand views

Here is an example, but there are more:

There’s also hours long live session during which he improvise many baroque pieces, I listen to it every now and then, and it’s always a blast


Anna and the appolypse, it’s a fantastic zombie musical with insanely good songs. I have never met anyone in the real world or online who have heard of it (except a few who I forced to watch with me).


I was telling people at work about this film a few days ago!

I watched it for the first time a few years ago and it has started to become a Christmas tradition for me.

TAG, (edited ) avatar

I watched it and I did not like it, but it is probably that I went into it with the wrong expectations. The entire premise of “musical about a zombie apocalypse” sounded a bit goofy to me and the trailer had the same mood, so I expected a comedy, or at least something a bit tongue in cheek. Instead, the movie is a total downer.


Yeah, it’s a bit bleak at the end for sure. But I just loved how catchy the songs were, and the cast was really great. I didn’t know anything before randomly playing it on Netflix, so that didn’t give me any expectations going in

watson387, avatar

I just watched this the other night. I was unaware going in that it was a musical, but thoroughly enjoyed it.


I watched Star Blazers every week as a kid.


In honor of Xmas, I found this video a decade ago, and it is the version I hear in my head every year.

Last Xmas - Slugabed ruined it


I’d never met anyone but my mom who’d played Solomon’s Key prior to Nintendo straight up adding it to the NSO.

The other game I never hear about was the ID4: Independence Day floppies that came in cereal boxes or something. Don’t really remember the games that well but I do remember trying to collect them all.

Also, I once basically got gaslighted into thinking that Falling Down was just a fever dream of mine until one day I’d heard the name in a Tech N9ne song and it all clicked again.

yamanii, avatar

Solomon’s Key is more known nowadays thanks to a Gamecenter CX episode they had on it, great game, guess it was popular in Japan to enter NSO.

JustZ, (edited )

Haha, I posted Solomon’s Key in this very thread.


I don’t think it’s totally forgotten, but an old nes game no one talks about called Bump n jump. You play a buggy in a top down style racer; think spy hunter. You’re meant to race to the end of levels, crashing into (or avoiding) other vehicles for points. You can jump over bridges and gaps as well, and each level ends with a huge leap of faith ocean jump.

I feel like it was largely forgotten in gaming history, but I loved it when I was a child I put many hours into it.


I played the arcade cabinet version of bump n jump as a kid!


Most obscure videogames I ever played:

  1. A 3D, first person pacman clone that I played on a 286 MS DOS laptop in the nineties. I don’t remember its name and I’ve never seen it since.
  2. A programming game from the early 2000s called something like Fleet Commander. (But none of the many games named something like Fleet Commander that I can currently find online are it.) This game had a VB-inspired, event driven programming language. You used it to command fighters, bombers and fleet command ships. Each ship had its own AI script it would execute.
elephantium, (edited ) avatar

Fleet Command! I’ve played it. Fun little tactical naval game. I think it was originally released as Jane’s Fleet Command.

I don’t remember anything about VB scripting, though.

swordsmanluke, (edited )

Sorry, I missed one more critical detail there… This game was in space! Played on a 2D, wraparound surface, with a top-down perspective, but it was definitely in space.

The fighters were fast and cheap but weak and could only shoot lasers.

The bombers were slower but tougher and could fire missiles. (Missiles could also be scripted, come to think of it. And if you made them stop, they turned into mines)

The fleet ships could manufacture other ships. You only have a single fleet ship at the start, but as time goes on, you can build more. …if you haven’t spent all your resources on building fighters and bombers.

csm10495, avatar

Elroy Goes Bugzerk and Elroy Hits the Pavement.

Man I want another Elroy game!

CileTheSane, avatar

Captain Zoom in Outerspace

It was direct to TV Galaxy Quest before Galaxy Quest.


I had this game I swear was Atlantis related, but involved you flying a tri-plane, shooting down other planes. It was very cool.

yum_burnt_toast, avatar

there is this film from the late 80s called miracle mile about a guy who answers an incoming call at a payphone outside a diner in los angeles, and its a panicked military officer who dialed the wrong phone number who says he just launched americas nukes and that a nuclear retaliation will hit american soil in about an hour. a lot of the film is spent without being fully convinced of the authenticity of the phone call and the film has a slightly dreamlike pacing which makes it feel pretty tense, and theres a scene that stuck with me where the main character has a nosebleed in the diner after the phone call. i feel like even as far as cult films go this one is a little under the radar and, even though its not a life altering film, probably deserves a little more credit than it gets.


came here for something like this.

can say the same about “Six String Samurai”, watch without reading anything

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