I paid for my entire family to go to see the Grand Canyon for Christmas. 11 of us in total, rented a big house and a van and we were going to drive all together for fifteen hours. Fly down early to spend time with my mom and she gave me Covid. She has been sick for a couple weeks and didn’t take a test.
I had a pretty good holiday, although, I found out that my little friend group at school are really conservative Christians and apparently they still support Trump.
Have been working so I could take vacation time for end of year. Finally was here on the 19th. The next evening we took the kids to see Santa for pictures and to let them tell him what they wanted for Christmas.
Old guy sounded off. Weak voice and raspy. Ok well he’s old and a bit large, whatever. Only thing we had planned for the week going out was that. There and home which was good.
Next evening wife says she feels off and starts coughing a bit. Wake up to all of us having fevers. By the 22nd she started losing taste so we test and yup ol Saint Nick gave us an early COVID present to the whole family. I got it last so I’m still unable to taste.
Not sure I had get the Rona from a boomer store Santa on my 2023 Bingo card but there ya go.
My kids are working on it. We bought a vr headset… One headset. They have to take turns. We aren’t rich and can’t afford one for each of them. They’re fighting each other and us over the turns. It’s clearly established whose turn it is and how long turns are. They are still bitching about it. It’s about to get returned.
I wouldn’t say that anything ruined Christmas for me this year but there was some unfortunate circumstances with some of my gifts.
For example, I asked for an original Xbox controller with a USB adapter. I got them and they work perfectly fine in Linux but they don’t work at all in Windows, which potentially limits how much usage I can get out of them. Apparently, Windows 10 blocks the drivers required to use the adapter, which if I had known I probably would’ve just asked for a generic USB Xbox controller instead (if they exist).
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