Mayo, mustard or ketchup?
Choose wisely.
Choose wisely.
hightrix, Ketchup for potatoes and some meats. Mustard for sausages and some other meats. Mayo for the trash can.
sagrotan, ![]()
Miracle whip. Only.
baruchin, ![]()
I’m totally fine with the three of the.
stackPeek, ![]()
Mayo + ketchup
Swiggles, It is a race between mayo and mustard. Having to pick one I’d prefer mustard.
jopepa, Pants iykyk
Mustard’s my choice. Mayo leaves a dirty mouth feel/taste until I can brush my teeth again, good to cook with though. Ketchup is what happens when marketing and focus groups fix mustard, good of Canadians to help find it’s purpose.
owatnext, Mustard.
key, ![]()
For a murder weapon? Ketchup, I’d freeze it into a knife and then escape while everyone thinks the blood is just more ketchup.
some_guy, All three on my burger, please.
DLSantini, What I’m eating will determine which two of those I am combining together. Potentially all three, in some cases. But there are also times when all the of those are better left out, in favor of barbecue sauce.
Sagifurius, A 75/25 Ranch/Sriracha aioli
lvxferre, ![]()
Probably mayo, but I need to know on what.
7u5k3n, Mayo on burgers Mustard on fries Ketchup on onion rings or steak if it’s over done.
LUHG_HANI, ![]()
Personally, I’d rather throw the steak away than use ketchup.
jopepa, We ask them politely but firmly to leave.
7u5k3n, Haha man I agree. My fil… he only makes steaks well done and then drowns it in steak sauce. It’s like he can’t cook a medium steak… it’s wild.
I don’t like steak sauces… so if he’s cooking… it’s ketchup. :/
But IMHO a quality steak doesn’t need any sauces…
Brunbrun6766, ![]()
Both at the same time
TheAlbatross, Mayo, duh
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