Elephant0991, You figure out where you want to go. Plan how to get there, and then do things in the present to get there. Don’t get stressed out how things turn out; you can only really have some notion of control of what you are doing. If the current plan doesn’t work, change it, and keep doing it, until you get there, or not.
KeepFlying, I don’t plan for the future, that’s how.
The main “planning” I did was related to my job. I saved a few months of expenses in a savings account. Enough so if I lost my job I’d be able to survive for at least a few months. That removed a ton of stress from the day to day of work since I knew I could always step back if I really had to and if I lost my job I wouldn’t starve.
Essentially I “planned” enough to give me the freedom to live in the moment with less worry.
Bluefruit, I like to plan for the future a lot. It helps motivate me to get stuff done and keep working for what i want.
But i also just take moments to appreciate what i already have. One of my favorite things to do is smell the air outside. Each season has a different smell to it and idk what it is but when i stop to smell that, life is good.
Know what you want and plan for it but dont stress out too much. It defeats the purpose of planing if its stressing you out. And even if you do plan, life will throw you curveballs. I like the phrase lifes a marathon, not a sprint a lot because i often feel like i HAVE to be doing more when i dont.
I’m only 26 so its not like ive had a lifetime of experience or anything. I got lots of time to do what i want. I’ll keep working hard to do what i swt out to but ill take time to enjoy what i love. I’ll keep making music, messing around with computers and ill still make plans even if i dont quite get there.
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