Exactly this. The man hasn’t stopped campaigning since he rode down that escalator in 2016. A month after his inauguration in 2017 he kicked off his 2020 re-election campaign so the donations could keep coming.
I don’t think he’d survive that long. and if he did, that syphilitic brain of his would prevent him from even being viable to everyone but the ones who have trump flavoraid for blood.
I think it’s less being blinded he’s just a symptom and more hope that he’s a one of a kind cult of personality that no one can replicate to unite the crazies again.
I wouldn’t be surprised if both Trump and Biden die of natural causes in September/October, throwing the November election into chaos as no one has anyone to vote for anymore.
It’s just the sort of chaos this timeline seems to crave.
It might be an okay outcome. No T means split R vote and no B means Kamala becomes first female president. Maybe she runs again, maybe there’s a new nominee.
I don’t think much changes other than losing the spearhead of the MAGA bullshit, although someone will inevitably take that place.
Thankfully I don’t have that worry with Biden. He’s quite fit and healthy, in great shape considering his age. So he has far great chances of surviving each day.
Being fit and healthy doesn’t really exclude much at that age, anything can happen.
My grandpa was fit as a fiddle at 86 outside gardening everyday, then got kidney cancer and a bunch of other stuff all at once, pretty much bedridden within a year.
Remember: narcissists are psychologically incapable of imagining themselves no longer existing. He thinks he’ll live forever because he literally can’t conceive of any other possibility.
Trump is cursed to live until he Makes America Great Again. He will run election after election, with unnatural longevity, but once he gets back in office he only has one term left to find the error of his ways, discover Wisdom in Friendship, and bring moral-philosophy-flavour-of-the-month to the troubled but inherently glorious institution of American politics, or the curse will be fulfilled and he will spend eternity haunting golf clubs and expensive hotels not quite dead but never quite alive.
Tune in later to part II, where, in a world taken over by the all-powerful EU, Donald’s seventh descendent learns of the calamity of his forefather and sets out to rediscover the truth about America and set her people free from the tyranny of socialised healthcare. Coming soon: “The Seventh Trump”
Followed shortly after with direct-to-TV prequels “Seals and Fur Hats: the Decline of True America”; and sequels, “Bowling with the Ghosts of Presidents Past, Present and Future.”
Trump appears to be suffering from a serious cognitive decline since he was last president. He was never the sharpest spoon in the drawer, but it’s bad now. If he’s still alive in five years, I don’t think he’ll be capable of doing anything other than drooling on himself.
Trump is old. Republicans have been stressing how old Biden is–and using his life-long speech impediment as evidence–but Trump trails Biden by only four years of age. They’re both at an age where you start seeing a sharp divergence in cognitive abilities, where some people take a nosedive into dementia and senility, while other people retain their mental faculties while their body fails. Trump seems to be the former.
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