What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
pewgar_seemsimandroid, if government agencies are possible then the nsa
macaroni1556, How do I boycott the NSA? Especially as a non citizen!
pewgar_seemsimandroid, don’t the Americans have an amendment that allows them to overthrow the government? im not sure though.
intensely_human, It only enables us to. It doesn’t authorize us to. The idea is we should only use the power when the authority we’d otherwise seek is completely illegitimate.
spittingimage, My government gave the NSA the ability to mass-surveil our phone calls in order to stay good friends with the US. I’d surely love to boycott that.
IverCoder, Philippines moment
spittingimage, New Zealand in this case. Misery loves company?
intensely_human, Camp on a small island
SHamblingSHapes, (edited ) Boycotts aren’t going to kill a company. They are to influence them.
I did boycott ChikFilA when it came out they were supporting homophobic asshats. And once they announced they were dropping those charities, I stopped boycotting.
I use CVS over Walgreens as long as I can get my prescriptions at CVS due to Walgreens stances against women’s health. If Walgreens ever cleans up, I would happily use them more often because they are more convenient and inexpensive for me.
I only go to Shell gas stations as a last resort because they blast ads at you while pumping gas.
_Anonymous_Aardvark_, At most gas stations, you can mute the ads by pushing the second from the top button, sometimes on the left side sometimes on the right.
I hate the ads too, but muting makes them bearable.
Nollij, Since these tricks have become common knowledge, they’re all being disabled. New pumps cannot be silenced.
If you need another reason to get an EV, you don’t get ads when you charge at home.
rhythmisaprancer, I've seen this mute mentioned, but never had it work. Is it for real? Every place has these ads now 😐 I don't get fuel on my personal vehicle very much much but I drove a lot for work and it is awful.
_Anonymous_Aardvark_, Sounds like maybe newer pumps don’t work like this? At least in my area, I’ve only had this fail once.
rhythmisaprancer, Well I tried this later yesterday on a brand new as of August fuel station, and it worked!
Thanks for the reminder to keep trying.
toasteecup, Did they ever really stop? Honest question, because I’ve heard it go back and forth a lot
SHamblingSHapes, They’re still run by evangelical Christians, so I wouldn’t expect a Pride month advert campaign coming from them any time soon.
But yes, they stopped donating to a particular group of charities in 2018/2019. Part of the “then they started donating again” claim was timing and tax records, but the actual donation was made before they changed policy and stopped.
toasteecup, Sounds good, I’ll keep eating at Raising Cane’s instead cause their chicken is so tasty to me
DannyMac, I think the main take away is that this applies to most, if not all, publicly traded companies?
Duamerthrax, There’s a few that fill non critical roles, but generally once you’re publicly trade, things go to shit chasing the quartiles. You can’t simple exist as steady state and cater to your employees and customers while living slightly more then modestly.
Karlos_Cantana, Dave’s Auto Body shop
VieuxQueb, Someone really has a personal gripe on this one ! What’s the story?
intensely_human, I found lug nut in my killer bread!
yoz, I keep reading everywhere “fuck nestle” and then I see their 2022 FY report with sales increased to 104.95 billion thats 8.4% from.previous year.
So the question now is
EarWorm, The thing is that Nestle owns fucking EVERYTHING, so it’s really hard to boycott all of it. I have managed so far, but I don’t expect everyone to go through the effort
Damaskox, I think, to truly boycott something, is to actually be invested in it. To really NOT buy or use a service or product, no matter the situation. To look for other products and services that are more moral and to start using them instead, even when the costs would be higher.
What is important to you?
You can hate the system, hate someone, a thing, product, service. Something. But it’s your choice, will you actually do differently or still just follow the path they made for you as an option to follow. And sometimes it may be the only path available.
the_lone_wolf, Nintendo
TheBeege, Why?
intensely_human, Aw look he’s trying to reason with the mob
TheHolyChecksum, Nintendo ruined the lives of excessively smart people that were fighting for rights to repair because of their own pettyness. If you want more information about that, look into team xecuter. Darknet Diaries episode 136.
cricket97, team xecuter made and sold closed source piracy tools for nintendo consoles. they aren’t “right to repair” enthusiasts lol
Harvey656, I literally do not boy have enough time in the day to type all of them. There’s just so many that are awful.
backhdlp, I forgot the name but that one shit company with a U that is literally as bad as Nestle
jojowakaki, Do you mean Unilever?
intensely_human, I think he’s talking about sUbway
backhdlp, Yes
NotAPenguin, Any company that profits from animal abuse (yes meat counts).
Kena, Putting aside that boycotting doesn’t work and actually has the opposite effect.
FatTony, deleted_by_author
Kena, Name a single boycott that ever managed to take down an international corporation that didn’t end up making them more famous then they where before that. Being “boycotted” is even a marketing tool companies like nike have used before.
Did you think this through or did you just want to be contrarian for no actual reason?
Mesophar, I think what you’re getting at is that the publicity generated by flashy boycott activism only generates free advertising for the companies. Which it certainly can! But that’s also dependent on what is being boycotted and the social and political beliefs behind it. If one group boycotts a product because the company is homophobic, another group buys more of that product because they agree with the company. That sort of thing.
But it isn’t as two dimensional as “boycotting has the opposite effect”. Here are some examples of effective boycotting. Though you did get me interested in how effective boycotting really is, but I couldn’t find any efficacy studies that weren’t behind a paywall…
intensely_human, If you need papers, try sci hub
Kena, Wow, thank you for the actually measured response. I’ll have a look at the link you posted!
SHamblingSHapes, The goal isn’t “taking down” a company. It’s to influence their behavior/policies.
ChikFilA stopped donating to anti-gay charities when they were boycotted.
givesomefucks, ChikFilA stopped donating to anti-gay charities when they were boycotted.
I feel like now they’re going to say because rightwingers attempted to boycott after that change, that boycotts don’t work…
Because they don’t understand rightwing extremists are bad at boycotting and statistically insignificant to a nationwide chain.
Galapagon, Do you have sources for this claim?
rustyfish, Giving a company money -> they reinvest that money -> company grows
Not giving a company money -> ??? -> company grows
Everybody knows that, duh!
Kena, We both know that you actually don’t think it’s that simple. You just wanted to be contrarian.
I’m actually so correct in what I said that getting targeted with hate campaigns is something companies try to do. As I told another one of you NPCs before, Nike did that exact thing. They intentionally did something that upset a target demographic, those people burned nike products and tried to “boycott” them and it ended up making their sales go up because everyone was talking about them now.
This is such a well known thing that I’m surprised you people got mad at me for saying it. Redditors will get mad at everything for no reason I guess.
givesomefucks, They intentionally did something that upset a target demographic, those people burned nike products and tried to “boycott” them and it ended up making their sales go up because everyone was talking about them now.
I bet if you were specific, it was something about supporting a progressive cause that most people support and rightwingers got mad and “protested” by buying Nike products to destroy…
Just because rightwing extremists are the minority and don’t understand how boycotts work, doesn’t mean boycotts don’t work.
intensely_human, Most redditors have been running from life for so long all they know is anger and pain, with the anger being the only anti-pain strategy they have.
rustyfish, This is a lot of text for being completely wrong. Good for you.
intensely_human, That was a very efficient way of saying nothing.
echodot, EA need to make some decent games so I cannot buy their games on principal, rather than not buying their games because I don’t care.
FrankFrankson, Most of them. There are no “good” corporations only ones that are currently tolerable.
notthebees, This isn’t an ideological boycott, this is stuff I avoid bc it’s not great.
ATT (I get better cell service in a subway than I do in my house and I’m on it because my MVNO switched from T-Mobile to att) HP (worlds shittiest hinges) Comcast, Spectrum (parents have comcast, it sucks. My friends have Spectrum, it also sucks)
Jeanschyso, Ford, General Motors, Stellantis.
neeshie, Is this cause of UAW? Didn’t they reach an awesome preliminary deal with ford at least? Aren’t UAW members going back to work for ford?
Jeanschyso, If you look closely, they are the three largest “car” manufacturers in North America.
I have something against lobbying for creating the word “jaywalking”, destruction of historical black neighborhoods, and the SUV/pickup truck epidemic caused by their lobbying for reduced emission requirements on “light trucks”.
I guess you could also add Tesla to the mix, since they’re making such a big deal of their cyber truck.
neeshie, Ohhh I see. Yeah that’s fair. I’ll make sure to buy foreign cars if I need something other than a bike and public transit.
Jeanschyso, What I meant is that while foreign companies are profiting from these laws, it is the American car makers that lobbied for them. I also don’t really care for any car company, but if I were to boycott car manufacturers, I would start with the American ones.
HawlSera, I do not buy from bp, and I only buy from Walmart if there’s literally no other option. My go to department store is Target or whatever local store has what I need, usually it is the former is Walmart is the reason why Mom and Pop stores don’t really exist anymore unless they fulfill a very specific niche.
My local Walmart does not get any of my business, if I go in, it’s probably just to visit the Checkers renting store space from Walmart
lud, What is “BP”? I’m assuming you don’t mean British Petroleum.
Daeraxa, “British petroleum” hasn’t been a thing for over two decades. …
lud, I just used the old name because I wanted to clarify what I thought they meant by BP.
I thought that was kinda obvious.
Marin_Rider, ah, BP still around here and probably one of the “big 3” petrol stations. unless you mean the name itself, in which case what does BP stand for now?
HawlSera, What other BP would I be talking about? What other BP regularly dumps shit into the ocean
lud, I don’t know.
I couldn’t see how Walmart and BP were connected and I didn’t expect you to bring up two unrelated companies like that.
HawlSera, I never said they were connected, I just said that I was boycotting both of them
QuodamoresDei, Amazon is the mom ans pop shop killer after from 2020 on.
HawlSera, Doesn’t suddenly make Walmart innocent, plus unlike walmart, Amazon can actually be helpful to a small community that doesn’t have specialty shops. That said I recommend not using Amazon if what you are looking for can be found on a different site, actually I recommend using Amazon to browse products, and then finding another site to buy the product. I make sure to almost never buy computer parts from amazon, because there was one time I bought a motherboard from Amazon thinking it was a reputable dealer, instead it fried out and my protection plan was fucking worthless because I actually bought it from a bootlegger who filed off the serial number of the motherboard he copied. I was able to still make it out, but tech support told me what actually happened when I came to me number.
So I buy from Newegg unless the Amazon price is just that much better.
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