So this was the plan all along… get a nationally-syndicated comic strip, corrupt the youth and bug parents all across America. We’re onto you, Water-son.
There is a lot to explain, where is the alien from, what are they like, can they legally get married, who made the Elvis clone, was it intended for it to have 2 heads, and if so why?
I always thought this one was stupid because he doesn’t make the distinction between linear velocity and angular velocity. It’s only confusing because he has omitted necessary information.
Okay just imagine two circles. There is a point at the bottom of each circle where the circle touches a piece of paper.
A line is drawn where that point is across the sheet as each circle makes one full rotation in 1 minutes time.
Obviously, the line on the larger circle will be larger than the line on the smaller circle, even though they made the same rotation, so even though they have the same numbers of revolutions per minute, the larger circle is moving faster, so it's velocity is faster at the same ratio as the diameter of the two circles.
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