It’s fascinating how we anthropomorphize objects like this. My Roomba got stuck on some cables underneath my TV table and when I found it, it was making a sad sound that just broke my heart. As I picked it up, I found myself saying, “There, there little Roomba, I’ll rescue you and get you some juice. Poor thing.”
In general, unless you are a sociopath with no empathy, humans have an innate need to help and assists others. It makes us feel good to help others, not just our own children.
If you consider the greater evolutionary history, up until very recently humans have been kind of like the monster in It Follows. They’re not very fast runners, but they are relentless. No other animal can run for such a long time. They’ll keep going and going for hours on end, and they will eventually catch up with their victim. For an injured prey with explosive strength but relatively low endurance it must be absolutely terrifying.
Dogs joined the dark side, so they probably feel all cool and mighty next to their running master. In their head they go “yeah bitches you can run, but you can never hide from my human”.
People in real life are both. For every wholesome opinion, there exists at least 1 oposing opinion, and probably another one that says you should feel like shit for even thinking of that opinion.
We can talk about cooperation and compromise as soon as the right starts doing it. For the last 40 years, the left is compromised and the right has dug in. This is dragged the country way farther right than we deserve.
If you think that’s bad, you should see the Americans with their conically gigantic SUVs, they’ll do anything to try to make up for their tiny… personalities
To be fair I think for the average person, to simultaneously believe that America is both the home of the bleeding edge of technology and innovation, and yet also the place where it churns out uni students, after 5 year bachelors programmes to become McDonald’s workers for the next 10 years, it can definitely look depressing both from the outside and on the inside.
Go back to twitter dude. I know you like ruining things for other people, but you are just really killing the vibe here with your pathetic “le epic troll XD” behaviour.
Yes. Horses, dogs/wolves and people are the three land animals that are really weird in that they aren’t necessarily apex predators, but due to circumstance or evolution we’ve somehow stepped outside the natural flow which has resulted in us having a wide potential of diet, excess time and energy to spare due to lack of serious predators (yet) and luckily enough we’ve come to be more collaborative than competitive when it counts
Wolves who are “pets*” are also absolutely manic in comparison to normal dogs. Our lifestyle just drives everything to mindless activity to get it out.
(*: A wolf is not a pet even when they are very cute)
I don’t know why you got downvoted, i completely agree with you. They really love fresh food and fresh water (those water fountains), it’s just their nature. It’s not that they are spoiled. Dogs for instance will also eat from a carcass, but wild felines only eat fresh
Absolutely! Behave as expected and everything will go better.
There’s a thing called “the wave of death” where one driver stops in the middle of a road and waves for a pedestrian to cross, but the cars going the other way don’t know this person just decided to do that, and the pedestrian has a false sense of safety from being waved across… Bad shit.
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