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samus12345, in Secret Recipe by Eirinnske avatar
hakunawazo, in "Ooops my chamber of secrets" by Port Sherry
Another3quenc, in Secret Recipe by Eirinnske

Makes me think about that one simple shooter game you could play online with the queen, Hillary Clinton and Bush

CADmonkey, in Face the consequences - Work Chronicles

“No, I don’t know who broke your car’s windows. I don’t work for you anymore, stop hassling me.”

HappyFrog, in "Ooops my chamber of secrets" by Port Sherry

So… Castor oil guy has to clean?

Dark_Arc, in "Millennial lingo" by Shen Comic avatar

I think you’ve got Gen Z and Millennials backwards.


We used to make fun of comic books for making up slang that hilariously no one would ever use, then gen z came along.

Dark_Arc, avatar

Right? We used to be like “this is written like how some 60 year old executive thinks kids these days talk … nobody talks like this we just talk normally…”


Like the boomers were better with saying grok. No I dont care that it comes from a Heinlein book.


Used to make fun mullets and mustaches too.

Littleborat, (edited )

Looks pedo to me, not gonna change.


Used to make fun mullets

Definitely used to do this. I still do, but I also used to.


It’s millennials trying to fit in with Gen Z to prove to themselves they’re not old.


And the Gen Z is… reading a newspaper? Nah fam, I don’t think that’s what’s going on.


You think millennials read newspapers? We are the first digital native generation. In fact, we saw the internet growing up while we grew up ourselves

NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

Point to the panel with a Millenial reading a newspaper



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  • NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

    No, I responded to the wrong comment, but neither one is two paragraphs


    Remember the internet before Facebook and Instagram? Good times. It was all Flash Games and p… Uhm, videos


    I still know my ICQ number. Back when all instant messagers had open protocols and you could use one open source client for all of them.


    I regret forgetting mine. I know it was 3965… Something. But that’s as far as I know for sure.


    I’m still slightly mad that everyone wanted to use AIM instead of ICQ, even though icq was better. It had offline messaging and you could change your display name, neither of which aim supported.

    Anyone younger than like 30 probably has no idea that those were noteworthy features at one time. You could only send someone a message if they were actively connected at the same time as you.


    Growing up? I think you mean “getting drained of any creativity or energy with age.”


    No I don’t think we do. I sure as hell don’t. Yes indeed, we are, and we did. That’s why I think the whole comic is bullshit, like wtf is this whole thing? Feels like some Gen X or earlier is trying out this web comic thing. I don’t even know.


    I know i’m old, i just found a new hobby: messing woth the younger generation by messing with their slang.

    You know, like how grandpa called every pokeman pikachu…but on purpose.


    I mess with my zoomer children all the time: bruh, no cap, on god, sus/sussy, my guy.

    They mostly roll their eyes, but I do enjoy it.


    My favorite is on cap, no god.


    Fr no cap ong



    Oh, (there is) no god?


    This is the way


    Grandpa knew what he was doing when he called all the pokemen pikachu



    I… I think I’m having a panic attack.


    No, no, it’s okay. It’s just a stroke.


    Right? Everyone knows the correct plural form of “pokemon” is “pokemons”.


    Nah, it’s 2020s, the proper term is pokepersons.


    I spit out my drink.


    I definitely enjoyed that xD

    Dark_Arc, (edited ) avatar

    Yeah no millennial is doing that to fit in/not feel old (okay there are probably some but they’re a minority for sure), at best they’re doing that to be annoying/make fun of the crazy slang.


    It’s very incredibly lit, fam.


    On Satan, for real no caps

    swab148, in "Yoda at Work" by The Jenkins Comic avatar

    The yo-yo is filled with ketamine

    RIP_Cheems, in [Alzwards Corner] I see no problem *sneeze* with this avatar

    Worth it.

    ColeSloth, in Bad dog

    All the symbols are Y shaped, but his arm band was drawn X. Where’s the consistency? Comic is worse than hitler

    brbposting, in Cat and Girl in "4,000 of My Closest Friends"
    qooqie, in [Redacted title] - War and peas

    The title ruined the punchline 🙁


    Edited with [Redacted title]


    Ay thanks, kinda forgot you could do that


    Thank you for noticing :)


    I love Lemmy.


    They just put the title of the comic in there

    LemmyKnowsBest, in Bad dog

    I don’t recall Hitler ever looking that happy. He was stern & mean. How doggo be happy while committing genocide?

    livie, in By existential comics. The second best thing on the internet.

    That last condition doesn’t sound too bad, from a certain view…

    SnokenKeekaGuard, (edited ) avatar

    Of all the philosophers, sartre is the one youd expect to be into bdsm anyways.

    (Yes foucault was def into it, marquis de sade too if you count him as a philosopher)

    Now that I think about it i’m sure MANY were

    Edit: just checked and yeeeep sartre wrote some stuff in being and nothingness. Also found like atleast 20 major philosophers who’ve atleast written about it.

    Moosely, avatar

    I thought Foucault was more into getting fisted?

    SplashJackson, in Bad dog

    4 reasons why dogs worse than cats

    Evil_Shrubbery, in [ADHDinos] Haha silly letters

    Thx, I hate it.

    It took decades for me to even understand the damage this has been causing me, and it seems that about a decade more to regain some health/quality of life.

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