Right? We used to be like “this is written like how some 60 year old executive thinks kids these days talk … nobody talks like this we just talk normally…”
I’m still slightly mad that everyone wanted to use AIM instead of ICQ, even though icq was better. It had offline messaging and you could change your display name, neither of which aim supported.
Anyone younger than like 30 probably has no idea that those were noteworthy features at one time. You could only send someone a message if they were actively connected at the same time as you.
No I don’t think we do. I sure as hell don’t. Yes indeed, we are, and we did. That’s why I think the whole comic is bullshit, like wtf is this whole thing? Feels like some Gen X or earlier is trying out this web comic thing. I don’t even know.
Yeah no millennial is doing that to fit in/not feel old (okay there are probably some but they’re a minority for sure), at best they’re doing that to be annoying/make fun of the crazy slang.
Of all the philosophers, sartre is the one youd expect to be into bdsm anyways.
(Yes foucault was def into it, marquis de sade too if you count him as a philosopher)
Now that I think about it i’m sure MANY were
Edit: just checked and yeeeep sartre wrote some stuff in being and nothingness. Also found like atleast 20 major philosophers who’ve atleast written about it.
It took decades for me to even understand the damage this has been causing me, and it seems that about a decade more to regain some health/quality of life.
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