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lobut, 1 year ago (edited 5 months ago) in in the AI of the beholder lol that last statement is so unnecessary. Poor guy.
lol that last statement is so unnecessary. Poor guy.
problematicPanther, 1 year ago in Freedom gawrsh
CustardFist, 1 year ago in ZAP I like the color scheme. :ر I wanted to blurt out that it reminds me of the original Gameboy, but the url pretty much said it already. Xط
I like the color scheme. :ر I wanted to blurt out that it reminds me of the original Gameboy, but the url pretty much said it already. Xط
spudwart, 1 year ago Gameboy is an Aesthetic.
Gameboy is an Aesthetic.
thecookingsenpai, 1 year ago in Everybody gangsta until Task Manager appear I am still convince that soon or after they will discover an hidden function in Windows that overclock briefly every component when task manager is opened
I am still convince that soon or after they will discover an hidden function in Windows that overclock briefly every component when task manager is opened
Annoyed_Crabby, 1 year ago in Oblivious I mean, tbf, you can’t tell.
I mean, tbf, you can’t tell.
HubertManne, 1 year ago in ZAP transport jafar to the center of the sun.
transport jafar to the center of the sun.
brsrklf, 1 year ago Probably considered “killing”, though one may wonder where the limit is. If someone is alone in a row boat in the middle of the ocean and I wish away their boat, did I wish for their death? Who gets to decide that? Is there a court of genie law? In that case is it the genie or the master who’s being sued?
Probably considered “killing”, though one may wonder where the limit is.
If someone is alone in a row boat in the middle of the ocean and I wish away their boat, did I wish for their death?
Who gets to decide that? Is there a court of genie law? In that case is it the genie or the master who’s being sued?
HubertManne, 1 year ago for insurance purposes it was the sun that killed him.
for insurance purposes it was the sun that killed him.
Son_of_dad, 1 year ago in Making Friends 101 This art style makes me want to play Scribblenauts
This art style makes me want to play Scribblenauts
HawlSera, 1 year ago in Employers Relatable as fuck
Relatable as fuck
cbarrick, 1 year ago in New Year's Resolution Should have been 5k resolution (5120 x 2880). Because running a 5k is a common fitness resolution.
Should have been 5k resolution (5120 x 2880).
Because running a 5k is a common fitness resolution.
numberfour002, 1 year ago in Probability Nightmare on Lem Street
Nightmare on Lem Street
Sotuanduso, 1 year ago in New Year's Resolution Remember, resolutions don’t have to be at New Years, and you don’t have to abandon them at the first failure.
Remember, resolutions don’t have to be at New Years, and you don’t have to abandon them at the first failure.
numberfour002, 1 year ago in New Year's Resolution What? That’s the worst resolution ever. Well maybe not the worst. But you get what I’m saying.
What? That’s the worst resolution ever. Well maybe not the worst. But you get what I’m saying.
x4740N, 1 year ago in 'EINSTEIN'S BIGGEST BLUNDER' [OC] Doesn’t this imply time travel if negative mass exists
Doesn’t this imply time travel if negative mass exists
CustardFist, 1 year ago Sure, but I wouldn’t bring that up in the bedroom. ;ر
Sure, but I wouldn’t bring that up in the bedroom. ;ر
Anticorp, 1 year ago in Employers Were you expecting rational behavior from a werepig?
Were you expecting rational behavior from a werepig?
CodyCannoli, 1 year ago (edited 5 months ago) in Employers You’re lucky if someone sees your CV/resume at all.
You’re lucky if someone sees your CV/resume at all.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.