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otter, (edited ) in Remember to have fun at work

Maybe not during the surgery, but it’s pretty normal to do some review before a surgery that hasn’t been done recently.

In the past they’d skim the books, but videos provide additional insight nowadays. A lot of those videos are published on YouTube

So it feels weird, but it’s not. You’re (most likely) in great hands

registrert, avatar

(most likely)

I’d be worried if the video was "Heart surgery for dummies’

lvxferre, (edited ) in Ornithologists are assholes. avatar

I love how it pokes fun at an ackshyually, and then proposes a monophyletic clade for arseholes.

…at the end of the day herpetology studies tetrapods minus the ones that ornithologists and mammalogists called dibs on. You’ll see the same in medicine - vets treating all animals, except the species that physicians said “NOPE, I GOT THIS ONE”.


Small animals is a specialism. Like just animals that are small. Actually, so is exotics! So the same guy is treating parrots, reptiles, and monkeys. That's ridiculous.




Crabs 😔

thorbot, (edited ) in Offering solutions is annoying

This meme is pretty belittling to the wife in this scenario and it’s kind of fucked.

Rule #1 of being in a relationship is learning to listen and empathize with your partner. Just sit, and listen quietly, and tell them “that really sucks, I am so sorry, I’m here for you” It’s really that simple. Most of us are techy and leap to a solution because that’s how our brains are wired but they just want someone to listen. Just listen


🎼🎵🎶Let’s swap eyes so we can empathize🎶🎵

pixeltree, avatar

Fucking god yes. My friends wonder why I don’t talk to them about my issues, it’s because they won’t just shut the fuck up and listen.

GaMEChld, (edited )

Concurrently, constantly telling a rational problem solver problems and not letting them offer solutions ALSO takes a mental toll on the listener.

It’s bidirectional. It probably will result in compassion fatigue.


ya, I think the person b4 you is jumping to conclusions a bit. What matters is what works for the couple, not some generalized assumption about their dynamic. The meme could have been in jest and if we want to give OP the benefit of the doubt here then it probably is


Fair, but let’s be honest, most of the time a partner may not want to hear about a solution because they first want compassion and understanding. Be willing to listen, and your partner will talk about a solution when they are ready.


I can’t speak to “most of the time” as I only have experience with my relationships. In my current one, problem solving and empathy both are used to great results.


The problem is 9 times out of 10, your problem solving won’t help because they’ve already thought of the fix or you don’t have enough of the nuance involved to offer a viable solution. So to insist on offering, means that your partner now has to balance your ego and how to tell you “yeah I know” or why your idea won’t work.

Top the rational thinker, the problem is “I need to vent my emotions in a healthy manner” and the rational solution is “listen” and if the problem transitions from “I need to vent” to “I need help” then you can work on a solution together.

Sanyanov, (edited )

The core problem, as always, is communication.

If you want to vent, or gain some compassion and care, and you’re talking about your problems to a problem solver - say it.

Don’t say “I have problem A and I don’t need solutions”. Say “I know what to do with this, but it’s very frustrating and I need your support”. Yes, just like that. Admit, with words, that you want them to care for you. That’s it.

If you’re a problem solver, and you know the other person is often willing to just vent, or if you’re not completely sure your advice is wanted, ask it.

Don’t say “Just do B, problem solved”. Say “I might have some ideas on how to help you. Do you want my advice or should I just be there for you?”. And then if they want it - go for it! Don’t expect them to be ignorant of simple solutions; most likely they already thought them over, and either dismissed them for reasons not obvious to you from the first glance, or they already made it part of their plan.

Talk such things through, it will do wonders. For both of you.


I completely agree that you need to communicate. But that is outside the issue posed by the previous poster who said that it’s too emotionally taxing to just listen when you want to problem solve. Their comment implies that the conversation has been had, they know their partner just needs to vent, but being the listener their partner needs will cause “compassion fatigue”

So I attempted to rephrase it so that the “rational problem solver” could satisfy their “need to problem solve in contradiction to what their partner needs” by presenting it in a way that listening, is in fact the solution, to the problem at hand.

Damaskox, in Plenty of Fish avatar

How is that guy so calm about it?

Has he gotten used to it?


The weirdness and unexpected and breaks your mind enought to be like “wtf…” and not knowing how to react to something so unexpected and weird.

photonic_sorcerer, avatar

Nah, he kinda liked it


That’s a strong non-reaction for just “kinda”.

Furball, in "Trash Talk" by MrLovenstein

Typical human elitists

Broken_Monitor, in Water? What's that? [ADHDinos]

This comic is too damn relatable. I swear I don’t have ADHD but it sure is making me feel like I might.

Stamets, avatar

Vast majority of stuff in the ADHDinos comics aren’t exclusive to people with ADHD. Often times they’re common place in a lot of people. It’s just that with ADHD the frequency is turned up to eleven and so is the difficulty in dealing with it.

That being said, can’t hurt to check with a Doc.

killeronthecorner, avatar

Is there anything a doc will do beyond a chemical solution?

I’ve thought about it but I’m not interested in pills


My gf got laughed at when she talked to her practitioner about having ADHD… So ymmv I guess


Chemical problems require chemical solutions

killeronthecorner, avatar



Where I live you can get access to aids like time tables and similar depending on what you need. You can also get other types of help and support or just advice on how to handle and structure your days.


You skip bathroom breaks to be productive?


Don’t need bathroom breaks if you don’t stop for water.

GustavoM, in Life is just a bright shiny day avatar

Genuinely made me smile.

kamenlady, avatar

Yes and I’m still smilin’


It’s been a week, please stop. The kids are scared.

kamenlady, avatar

Ooof - after 2 weeks i finally managed to stop smiling. Sorry for that, i hope the kids are ok!


That’s a relief. And that’s fine, nothing a few years of therapy can’t fix.

kamenlady, (edited ) avatar

I’ll try sleeping it out

Edit: talking about sleeping, made me wonder: are the kids in bed? It’s already pretty late


They’re probably in bed, it got really quiet. I’m sure that’s a good sign.

expatriado, in Am I lacking confidence? Maybe - False Knees # 375

panels 3 and 4 could had been the same drawing, but the artist decided to make 2

Tranus, in Reverse warewolf

In the first couple panels I can’t stop seeing her mouth like a mustache

CarbonatedPastaSauce, in Riven – Port Sherry (Pedro Arizpe)

What’s the context? What is this character from?


AFAIK, Port Sherry’s comics are usually not part of larger series.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar


Damaskox, in He's not wrong... (cooperlit comics) avatar

I appreciate discussions that differ from the basic, casual topics! It's a nice, different breeze!

Fjern, in "Try on" by PoorlyDrawnLines avatar









snooggums, avatar


Rusky_900, in Slow and Courteous [Beetlemoses]

Family means nothing to this guy.


Probably played by B-list actor van Petrol.

scytale, in "Jogging From the Perspective of Animals" by Jake Likes Onions

Also, animals: I don’t know what they’re running after/from, but let’s chase them!

PoastRotato, avatar

“You’re running from me, now”

Pregnenolone, in "Blood Type" by Mr.Lovenstien

The third panel was brutally unnecessary


It kinda takes away from the joke imo

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