You know this story isn’t true because it involves eagles actually carrying people where they want to go instead of sitting on their feathered asses while orcs slaughter everyone.
Jeez, I remember sitting at my Apple II in computer class in 1992 or '93 and our teacher having this comic cut out and taped to the side of his computer. I’m pretty sure it’s older than that too, but it’s a testament to the quality comic Farside was, simple but memorable.
I’m pretty sure it is a law somewhere that every school has to have a photocopy of this comic in the teachers lounge with that specitic school’s name edited in.
I learned about death by accidentally killing a fly once. Then my mimo passing away. Then almost dying from sepsis. Then a classmate dying from a hit to the head. Then having to put down a sick dog. Then seeing a neighborhood cat get hit by a car in front of me, with an eye popping out and still breathing for a while. Then getting a hearth attack. Then my mom getting cancer and finding her dead in her bed.
I’m fucking tired of learning about death, can I stop now? please…?
There’s places (Boston pizza started it I think) that have “fish bowls” for your drinks. A fishbowl of peach Bellini will start the night off right, but yes, some home grown cannabis.
And obvs I was being deliberately vague for engagement, sue me.
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