I predict that once robotics and AI advanced beyond some particular threshold, human-on-human relationships will be seen as strange and needlessly fetishistic. Who would want some grimey partner with their own needs when you can generate an infinitely moldable soulmate?
you don’t make your own fastfood, porn or trash tv. so it’s like, completely different. being able to mold your partner doesn’t assume a quick process and shallow results.
I strongly disagree. Cheat codes provided infinite possibilities in an otherwise static game. The only reason don’t use cheat codes today is because they evolved into sandbox mode, console commands, and mods. And trust me, Skyrim would be long dead without those.
You say that and yet almost any competitive online game is rife with cheaters, while single player games have tons of easily available trainers and god mode mods.
I’m more about celebrating other people’s birthdays. I don’t do anything for my birthday. I usually sit at home and watch Steven Seagal movies, which is something I’ve done for the past 22 years.
I’ve had two trees in my whole life, both plastic, at this rate maybe I’ll have 3 in my total life. I still don’t get why people cut live ones, you hurt the tree, it probably will make a mess while drying, and you’ll end up trashing it at the end of the season.
Yes the smell must be nice but there are options now for that scent…
We used to get a live one with the root ball intact and then planted it in the yard after. So now my dad has a row of pine trees that represent the Christmases we had as kids.
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