Broken_Monitor, This comic is too damn relatable. I swear I don’t have ADHD but it sure is making me feel like I might.
Stamets, Vast majority of stuff in the ADHDinos comics aren’t exclusive to people with ADHD. Often times they’re common place in a lot of people. It’s just that with ADHD the frequency is turned up to eleven and so is the difficulty in dealing with it.
That being said, can’t hurt to check with a Doc.
killeronthecorner, Is there anything a doc will do beyond a chemical solution?
I’ve thought about it but I’m not interested in pills
Orygin, My gf got laughed at when she talked to her practitioner about having ADHD… So ymmv I guess
TrenchcoatFullofBats, Chemical problems require chemical solutions
killeronthecorner, Fair
SgtAStrawberry, Where I live you can get access to aids like time tables and similar depending on what you need. You can also get other types of help and support or just advice on how to handle and structure your days.
soloner, You skip bathroom breaks to be productive?
schmidtster, Don’t need bathroom breaks if you don’t stop for water.
Norgur, Father of a 1week old with ADHD here. I have considered switching to IV nutrients every time my body went into sudden emergency shutdown from an acute lack of food and/or water for the last week...
Devi, I was so confused how a 1 week old had ADHD then.
Don't forget to look after yourself. Babies are hard work.
Norgur, I tried several ways to phrase this so there would be no ambiguitiy... all sounded even weirder ;)
GFGJewbacca, I’m also a new dad, caring for a 7 week old. I get that it’s hard, and I hear the kind of issues you’re dealing with. I hope you can care for yourself in the midst of all your kid’s needs. If you want to talk, I’m here.
Norgur, Thanks mate! My wife and I always were a good team but we strengthed our bond during her pregnancy significantly, so I don't even need to look out for myself, she'll do that and vice versa. I'll send her to bed/eat/shower and take over completely to afford her that break she didn't even realize she needed and she'll do the same for me. Without this dynamic, those last days would have been immensely draining. The way things are, they've been a warm and snug experience for our little family <3
Viking_Hippie, (edited ) Just today, I was visiting my mom and the following exchange took place
Me: dammit, I forgot I had to go to the bathroom
Mom: must not really need to go, then
Me: yes, actually. You see… explains how my brain works differently than hers for the 3rd time this month
Fallingfiddle, You don’t have to stop to pee if you ever drank any water!
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