Son_of_dad, We Canadians thank you for your service in killing O’Leary
Boozilla, “Sorry”.
bash bash bash
PP_BOY_, Kevin O’Leary, the murderer?
Xanthrax, The shark next to him, “Hmmmmm, I like it. I’ll give you this gum rapper for 51% of the company.”
Jaysyn, (edited ) I'd watch this.
TheColonel, Damn, the poses on that last panel are fantastic.
Classy, So much energy
TubeTalkerX, The Pet Rock for the fast pace of this generation!
ThatWeirdGuy1001, I’m missing something here I can tell I just have no idea what it is
timelighter, Being beaten to a bloody pulp is fine and dandy, but how am I going to earn my money back?
agent_flounder, I mean, the Shark Smasher 7000 kind of sells itself at that point.
Pratai, This is funny?
madcaesar, It’s alight.
doublejay1999, Only if you are entertained by idea of blood sucking vampires getting their face smashed to a bloody pulp .
I’m here for it.
GustavoM, As someone whom is used to trash talk and throw one-liners mostly of the time… this is at the same level of jumping in the middle of a crowd and screaming “I just farted.”
MotoAsh, More satisfying than funny.
bdonvr, Beating the ultra wealthy with a rock is entertaining, if not funny.
ElfWord, It’s funny because he’s not nice on TV to people asking him for money so it’s okay to murder him amirite
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