Dolphin Man
Via Jenn’s Comics
Via Jenn’s Comics
FuglyDuck, Dolphins are freaks to, ya’know…
Lev_Astov, Freaks to what?
toothpaste_sandwich, Good stuff. Ted ought to see what’s up
omgarm, It’s not normal, the rest would reject him. He would be a lone dolphinman singing a song that never gets answered.
Crowfiend, Poor 52 Hertz.
JPSound, Is that a lawfin? I hope there’s a salt water pool nearby.
phorq, Spanish Proceeds to eat all the fish and do a surprisingly sophisticated double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ as thanks before leaving dolphin man behind on earth…
PostingPenguin, Is this a reference to The Etymology Nerd
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