flerp, What wakes you up? -Can’t wake up.
No I mean what excites you? -Ancient song lyrics
TheCheddarCheese, personally im more of a fan of miku songs about existentialism
Bondrewd, Oh a pinocchiop fan.
niktemadur, No, no… what drives you up in the morning?
“Car alarm”
blackstampede, “I mean, why though?”
“Threat of starvation.”
jarfil, “What brings sense to your life?”
“Taste buds”
Shardikprime, In snail land
Car drives you
AllonzeeLV, “fear of homelessness”
doppelgangmember, Poor snail doesn’t own their lot, just the mobile home
Guy_Fieris_Hair, Autistic Snail
null, Weird, I find I’m usually the one driving the car, not the other way around. I guess it’s different in snail-land.
WeLoveCastingSpellz, Hope for a better future and righteous anger against the people who are destryoing nature, taking our rights away and are greedy pigs.
Ignacio, What drives you?
Stamets, I’ve really gotta watch that movie
usualsuspect191, [Guo_Si] Hey, you know what sucks?
[TheXPhial] vaccuums
[Guo_Si] Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
[TheXPhial] black holes
[Guo_Si] Hey, you know what just isn’t cool?
[TheXPhial] lava?
brsrklf, What drives you?
Ragdoll_X, (edited ) What got me out of bed today was anger. Got so angry in my dream that I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.
I wish I could have a normal night of sleep for once.
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