Tandoor is good. A friend set up an instance with Authelia attached so my group of friends each gets a login. We add our fav recipes and can share them with each other.
It’s a little finicky with the ingredients entry, but it does make scaling recipes a lot better since it’ll do the calculations for you. You don’t need to know markdown to make the recipe pretty, it just works
I’m hosting my own instance and I love it. Import from several recipe-sharing sites works very well. Import from Instagram would be great, but Meta tries to make this as hard as possible.
Greene bean casserole was one of those many things I’d seen in american TV shows but wasn’t sure if it was actually a real thing, was a real thing 50 years ago, or was never a real thing outside of TV
In my experience, the standard American Thanksgiving meal contains a whole bunch of dishes, and everyone who attends is responsible for making something. The host will be in charge of the turkey cause it takes a long time to make, and no one wants to have to transport a turkey to a second location. Other competent cooks will make mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, baked goods, desserts, etc. There’s always one person who has somehow skirted through life refusing to learn how to cook, so you tell them to make green bean casserole. It’s like $5 of ingredients, and you literally just dump then together and heat them up. No measuring, temperature of the oven doesn’t really matter, time in the oven doesn’t really matter. A bunch of people put some on their plates, a few people might even eat a few bites, but most of it you just throw out, cause it sucks, but you don’t really feel bad about it.
For a significant portion of my childhood, any and all food my mom made was made in a slow cooker. There are many great meals you can make in a slow cooker, but there are also many things that should never be slow cooked. Just because you get results if you Google “crock pot pasta” does not mean you should ever get pasta anywhere near a crock pot.
Re: green bean casserole, that’s sounds similar to the logic around the “egg in the cake mix” thing. Basically, the minimum effort to make something “homemade”.
I have the same reaction when I see people doing instant pot pasta now. It isn’t any faster than boiling it on the stove and almost certainly will overcook.
I’ve never seen someone do pasta in an instant pot, but yeah, sounds horrible. Pasta on the stove might take 10 minutes, while an instant pot would take a few to get up to pressure, a few to cook, and a few to cool down. Best case scenario, you save yourself a minute, while completely throwing away your ability to control doneness.
My most hated was macaroni salad. Bowtie noodles with Miracle Whip, peas, shredded carrot, dill, and salt. Occasionally other items would make an appearance, but the main recipe was the most common.
It was so bland and mushy, and it wasn’t helped by the fact that it was made every few weeks during the summer, and in a quantity that meant I was eating it for lunch and dinner for almost a whole week every time it was made.
I don’t ever make pasta salad, but I’ve heard you actually want to overcook the pasta to account for the retrogradation of starch once you cool it down. seriouseats.com/how-to-make-the-best-pasta-salad#…
Yes! I make my own salad with fresh dill, onion and garlic powder, homemade mayo or olive oil, a bit of fresh basil, and baby spinach leaves to add some crunch. I just don’t call it pasta salad or macaroni salad because the name is forever associated with blandness to me lol.
Definitely boring if you just eat boiled chicken and plain rice. Check the recipe for hainanese chicken rice, a few additional steps but tastes completely different.
“Thaw time in the fridge requires about 24 hours for every 5 pounds in a refrigerator set at about 40 degrees F (5 degrees C). Thaw time in cold water requires about 30 minutes per pound in cold water, refreshed every 30 minutes.”
I guess “GuessworK” was the wrong thing to say. More like googling formula, doing the math, then counting the days backward while looking at a calendar is more apt. It’s really more whimsically convenient than anything. Like I said, I made this for me, but thought I would share it if it could be useful to someone else. Please feel free to not ever think about it again.
Asking for a friend. (Honest. I’m supposed to be doing a big batch of chicken and dumplings for a thing. Either the chicken is bigger than I recalled or… I’m an idiot. It’s in water so we should be good,)
Sausage and peppers. Italian sausage cooked to death with bitter, mushy, green peppers and Ragu. I hate green peppers so I’m not sure this is one that can substantially be improved upon and I have not tried.
That makes me sad. I’ve made sausage and peppers and it’s great. No Ragu, just sausage, peppers, onions, and potatoes. Par cook the potatoes so they brown nicely, start with olive oil and minced garlic and get everything cooked to where it’s done but not dead.
I LOVE your fixed version of green bean casserole—I make the Bon Appetit version every year at Thanksgiving.
I vaguely remember my mom making a god-awful casserole with halibut, a mayo-based sauce, and cheddar cheese. I think she called it halibut supreme? I’d be interested to see if it’s even POSSIBLE to make that edible.
Thanks for the trauma, my mom did Tuna Casserole. Canned tuna, some kind of creamed condensed soup, topped with potato sticks. I had actually suppressed this memory.
I can’t really see a way forward with those ingredients.
I actually grew up on a good version of tuna casserole. We never used the condensed soup or potato sticks, we made a bechamel and topped the dish with parmesan and breadcrumbs. My parents did some weird things when trying to use up leftovers, but I will give them credit for refusing to use the canned/premade versions of a lot of things.
Also learn to make white sauce instead of using canned cream of mushroom soup.
Here’s a ham casserole: In a casserole dish, layer cooked noodles (any pasta though better if it’s not one of the long tangley ones, just cook it al dente), ham (cut into small cubes), frozen peas, chopped onion, white sauce, shredded cheese. Then repeat those layers. Top with breadcrumbs and paprika. Then bake at 350 for about 40 mins uncovered. It was a staple growing up on any night after having ham for dinner. These days I’ll make it without bothering having just ham the night before.
Thinking very hard, I’m unsure if they’re was any food so bad I remember it being bad. Mother would claim her meatloaf was bad but I legit don’t remember it being bad? It was fine. She held herself to a high standard when she had two kids, one of which ate sour cream with a spoon and pickle juice from the jar.
She never did make green bean casserole since she hated it so much.
She canned green beans, and those could be weird after a year or two on the shelf, maybe once I get a pressure canner I can try to make those.
No one in my family could cook, at all. I say that as someone who would happily eat Spaghetti-O’s cold from the can after turning it upside down so all the pasta was now on ‘top’.
I was extremely lucky. My mother knew how to cook (not from her mother though, she never cooked) and my dad, during his stint of “all jobs are a job” he was a line cook and made a number of nice dishes.
Neither did baking much, and that fell to me during the holidays since I looooved cookies.
Fish in aspic sounds similar to gefilte fish, which is universally terrible in every jar, can, or whatever you can find at the store.
I wish I could tell you how, but my grandmother would make gefilte by hand annually and it was delightful. Slightly tart, slightly sweet, bouncy texture and bursting with delicious whitefish flavor and lightly spiced.
So while I don’t have a recipe, I know it can be done and maybe looking into recipes for homemade gefilte fish can help you figure out how.
This was something like Sole in tomato aspic. ‘It’s French’ my mother said. Very young me stuck a hand into what I thought was raspberry Jello and shoved it into my mouth when no one was looking. It was not raspberry Jello.
Green bean casserole absolutely. I have never had a good version of it. Your version sounds better but I’d say it’s a flawed concept.
My most hated was white beans and ham with cornbread. It ruined both the ham and beans and smelled like hot dog water. I ended up just eating cornbread and pushing the beans and ham around until I could be excused.
Also creamed spinach. It looked and smelled like I had already puked it up.
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