Slovene, Why does she still have her bra on during sex?
Daxtron2, Some people either are into that or are just more comfortable with it on.
Slovene, Yeah, but it’s a cartoon. I just find it odd.
Daxtron2, Probably just because C&H doesn’t have nudity, at least not that I can remember.
Daxtron2, objectively not the same
hakunawazo, Care to explain? In the linked c+h comic in the last panel I could just look through the figure like through a donut. Is it not foolproof nudity in this web comic series or have I missed something?
LemmyKnowsBest, When having sex with women, he fantasizes about having conversations with them 😆
Muscar, Congratulations, you understood the comic… But why did you make a comment that’s just a description of the joke? It’s deeply weird.
LemmyKnowsBest, Because some people in the comments didn’t understand it, and they asked for an explanation, and those who explained it used too many words.
paddirn, (edited ) Is that how he got into bed with her or he’s just thinking about talking when he should be having sex?
In the moment, when I’m actually talking to a woman (or any person), it’s not really what I’m thinking about, but I do think about their anatomy and sex with a good number of women throughout the day. Just brief flashes of possible moments. Thinking about sex and talking at the same though is alot of processing power, I can’t do two things at once like that. Women though, are good at multi-tasking, so I assume they’re more likely than men to do that.
FireTower, The joke is that he loves talking to women so much he fantasizes about it during sex. Which is humorous because the conventional wisdom displayed in the left side would indicate the inverse would be true. Happy to help.
moistclump, All men want is emotional intimacy developing into a lasting meaningful connection and it’s fucking disgusting.
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