Are we really worst off without Pop-White-Feminism from a website that made articles about the virtue of beating their boyfriends? Eeerh… I don’t known, I’m not convinced.
And I know it’s the example everyone jumps to, but there’s a good reason why. This is still up. It was never taken down. Which means that it was okay to post and okay to keep up for them. No one thought there was something wrong with it.
Let us not lose the sight of the fact that this is yet another fucking series of layoffs in this space. We are talking about people who just lost their whole fucking career, some of them worked there for years and now it’s gone.
These are people whose life has been turned upside down because of poor management and greed from the parent company. And this is nor funny, nor worth celebrating, nor anything good at all. It’s just depressing. It’s just something that keeps on fucking happening again and again.
I wish them luck. Maybe they can get together and form something independent and worker owned. Like a bunch of gaming journalists recently did. Because we are in a world where anything even remotely creative or artistic is bound to be fucked over cynical monetary reasons…
Yeah, I don’t see it. Jezebel was mostly pop journalism with an at times dubiously feminist leaning. To prop them up not only as a valuable news source but ‘one of the last remaining feminist institutions’ is just silly. There are better, much more rigorous feminist news sources out there that aren’t focused exclusively on click-bait and outrage fuel.
Men (and granted I am male) really do need to drop the alpha male stuff. It’s a shame so many men are drawn into this weird mentality on YouTube thinking that’s what is going to get them a girl… When really it’s the furthest from the truth.
I met my wife at work, made some awkward jokes with her, and eventually asked her out. We split everything a perfect 50/50 and I’m proud to say she is a strong independent woman who definitely does not need me. I can’t imagine the disrespect she would feel if all of a sudden I went all alpha.
Also a man, I haven’t tried being an “alpha male” because I’m not a toxic asshole. But being genuine and kind has gotten me absolutely nowhere in the girlfriend department and the fact is the worst men I know all have girlfriends. If I was willing to be like that I probably would too.
My guess is that more and more people are realizing that they can still live very fulfilling lives without getting married.
I can’t imagine how weird and scary it is for women to be dating right now, knowing that there are so many far-right extremist men out there, who have a high potential of being misogynistic or even violent.
I actually loved Jezebel, because it was maybe the only news site I encountered (as a dude not particularly in the know), that actually talked about women’s issues like my wife does.
People got very upset that they were opinionated, but that’s the whole point; why would you expect anything else on a site literally named Jezebel?
I definitely see some of the concerns that they have with this GARM stuff, but I also don’t particularly feel like I’ve seen much under the umbrella of the Gawker media group in general that I’d classify as “high-quality journalism”. There are decent articles here and there, but the standard for what qualifies to be published has always struck me as not particularly high.
I get that there’s a place for aggressive journalism, sometimes it’s exactly what’s called for. But Gawker always kind of felt like it was just aggressive for its own sake in order to attract eyeballs. Not to say that they never shed light on anything important, but a lot of the time it seemed like they were tilting at windmills just trying to keep that energy up.
Advertising really doesn’t seem like a great long-term solution for journalism’s funding, though. Nobody really wants ads, and people are increasingly able to just not interact with them. At the same time, nobody wants a paywall either.
Government funding, maybe? Some big public foundation? We certainly need something to prop journalism up financially or it’s just going to keep getting worse.
Honestly I’m fine paying a subscription if the content is good. There’s one local news source that’s free that I’d be happy to pay a reasonable amount to view.
There are plenty of small independent publications and online journalism outlets that survive off donation drives, subscription patrons, and volunteer citizen journalists. There are even totally independent citizen journalists that report on community sources. Unfortunately, honest journalism is something that society currently has a limited carrying capacity for, but that capacity is not zero.
“That immediately causes them to tune out because … that puts their guard up,” she said. “If you were to go to anybody and say, ‘I am telling you this because you are potentially a violent person,’ and that person feels that fundamentally they’re not, that’s going to cause that person to get defensive and tune out. That is something that we’ve seen across all of the research that we’ve done, that the young men on college campuses find that [prevention education] is either completely ‘name, blame, shame’ or is irrelevant to them as men within their campus community.”
The culture of victim blaming creates an enemy instead of focusing on the real issues. And the biggest issue is that we can’t recognize abuse as easily as we believe we naturally do. It’s normal, it’s okay, but it isn’t.
For starters, nearly all of the imaginary women generated by the site have cartoonishly large breasts
That wasn’t my experience when I went there just now. I think maybe it learned from the author’s preferences more than the author realises.
I went there and clicked “pass” on everything and it generated a range of different body types of AI women. There were also way more heads without bodies than bodies without heads.
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