Yes it’s normal, but it’s not that much sauce. The sauce is on top, and the cheese and meat are below. What you’re seeing is only the top layer of sauce, hiding the deliciously gooey and savoury layers below.
So, homemade dough, made with imported Italian pizza flour. I used a simple tomato sauce with salt and oregano. I par-baked the crusts, so assembly could be less rushed. Once par-baked, I coated the crust with ghee, and sprinkled smoky garlic salt on the crust. I added the remaining sauce, a layer of pecarino Romano for some extra funk, then lots of mozzarella, jalapenos, red onions, and pepperoni before finishing it in the oven. Once out, I drizzled on hot honey, chili flakes, oregano, and parmesan
I followed Joshua Wiseman’s video on it . I dont have a mixer though so I just did all the kneading by hand so it’s a bit more work .
Condensed milk whipped into the butter. I was legit surprised how close the taste was.
Honestly, the dried strawberries were hella expensive. I’m planning on doing a syrup next time. I’m thinking something like a small box of strawberries reduced and then through a blender, and drop some of the condensed milk to compensate for the extra liquid.
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