Erm how am I meant to take my grandma to hospital and also drop off three fridges and my kids to school and then an entire building’s worth of bricks? Therefore cargo bikes will never work in any situation. I am very smart.
Actually, it might also sink and release up to 2,000 tons of heavy fuel oil (plus molten plastic, metals etc.) to the Wadden Sea which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List as an important biosphere reserve.
My favorite is when they put the bike lane in the middle of the street between the right and left vehicle traffic lanes. I feel so safe with murder machines on both sides of me!
Absolutely insane. We have serious dysfunction in our civilization that great concepts like this 15min city is being poisoned by social media with the help of algorithms trying to optimize for profit. This is the real conspiracy, that our systems of power are utterly rudderless and irrational.
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