A great illustration of how cities can be designed around public transit at scale (www.youtube.com)
Who Owns the Streets? How Cars Took Over Our Shared Spaces (www.youtube.com)
How Commute Culture Made American Cities Lifeless -- Yet There's Hope (www.youtube.com)
This video outlines some of the relationships between US commuting culture and the perspectives that it’s engendered about the role of the city. The, when compared and contrasted to other nations’ approach to city design and perspectives shows that it’s possible to have a city core that’s more than just a workplace....
Cars Are A Disaster For Society -- Here Are the Numbers (www.youtube.com)
Adam Something | Why Robotaxis are a Terrible Idea (www.youtube.com)
Chicago Sold it's Parking Meters to Morgan Stanley for 75 years. (The consequences have been terrible) (www.youtube.com)
Just Buy Everyone a Car (www.youtube.com)
TL;DW: The “just buy everyone a car” instead of subsidising transit argument doesn’t work. Even on the least cost efficient bus routes it doesn’t make sense. Also “demand responsive transit” is worse than fixed routes.
It's time to replace urban delivery vans (www.youtube.com)
It’s nice to see larger outlets talking about urbanism topics and Vox has made a few videos in this area recently.
Bentley vs Tram (www.youtube.com)
Nothing beats the luxury of a tram