The audio in my head that goes with this photo is that old woman from the original Total Recall that Arnold grabbed the case from and she yelled at him, “Fuck you, you asshole!”
Sadly almost certainly a fake photo. Issues with how you’d get such a sharp image of anyone in motion in 1912 aside, look at the shadows and see where the light is coming from:
Our boys with the hats are lit from the right
The slats on the building are lit from top right
Now look at battering ram’s helmet, especially where it meets the wall. Where’s the shadow? Where would you expect the shadow to be?
I want some of what you’re smoking. The lighting source looks 100% consistent to me. Literally the right side of everything is consistently illuminated. I would expect to see battering ram’s helmet shadow to be against the wall. There it is. Also, battering ram isn’t in motion. He’s definitely stopped moving at this point.
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