Water does expire. If you leave it exposed to the air shit will grow in it, and even if you have it in a container you shouldn’t keep it for more than 6 months (or if you do, treat it with bleach before drinking it)
My family thinks I’m insane because I almost exclusively get bathroom sink water where I live when I get water. It’s so much better than the kitchen taps.
Only problem with water is that I need to get better about actually remembering to drink enough.
Males have been disproportionately affected: autism prevalence among boys is almost quadruple that among girls
That’s a really fucking weird take. It’s widely recognised that ASD and ADHD go massively under diagnosed in females. The fact that they don’t refer to this when raising it in the introduction shows they’ve got an anti-naurodivergent agenda.
This paper is mostly good at saying we need more research here - the CIs on those odds ratios are big.
Systematic under diagnosis would increase the chances of a null result for females
Why does this imply an anti-neurodivergent agenda?
There have been a lot of questions about why autism is more prevalent now than before (is it having a label and discussing tools, envoronmental factors, etc?). We’re seeing a lot of scapegoating, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about this issue. Having at least some evidence that yes environmental changes can affect ASD is important to understanding it.
It was $270 because it’s restaurant grade. This baby can produce almost 30 lbs of ice in a 24hr period. It does cold and hot water. So, you can have tea or instant coffee on demand if that’s your thing. It’s not my thing so I leave the hot water function turned off.
But, the problem with bottles is that I can’t grab a cold bottle of water without getting out of bed. I can literally sit on the edge of my bed, and pour a nice cold cup of water.
Modern life is all about conveniences. Before this I had gotten in the habit of getting a big cup of ice and pulling sodas from the 12 pack in my bedroom. I needed water access that was more convenient than that. Hence I bought a water source for the bedroom.
Birmingham, Alabama. Our water is pretty good quality I think. I like the taste of it, but I am intensely lazy. So, now I don’t even have to go to the kitchen for cold water.
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