There’s comments from your own instance you’re missing? Now that’s odd. I assume it’s not users you’ve filtered/blocked. Can you post an example thread? I’m curious how many comments I see vs. what you see logged in.
I don’t have anything like that and I have drafts set to off. Do your apps get unloaded from memory when you switch to something else? And what version do you use, did you encounter this with previous releases?
Drafts (Connect’s feature) are saved as long as you don’t leave a thread.
Individual upvotes and downvotes aren’t shown on Lemmy as a whole. I only know you can see them under posts and comments on (another network), but I don’t know if they have them collected somewhere on a profile page. Guess it puts more strain on servers hosted by volonteurs.
Visited posts are tracked cleint-side. Afaik it isn’t implemented anywhere.
I wish Connect at least shows the drafts I have if that’s the case. Also visited posts since it hides them and it becomes impossible for me to find again. Both of these are saved temporarily until cache is cleared or app is closed. currently it’s just so frustrating
Right sidebar —> Settings —> Hide read posts switch.
See if it’s your case.
If I’m to think long about some answers, I put them in a different notes app and save post\comment, or just add edits to the end of my comments after posting it.
To @netburnr: I can see your comment in my inbox but not on the post itself, so I can’t reply to you directly. Oddly enough, I can’t see it at all via the web interface. Anyway, “Show bot accounts” doesn’t seem to make a difference.
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