Legitimate question. Can anyone tell me how someone would go collecting welfare with no SSN or papers?
I work with people on a daily basis that collect some sort of welfare or disability… They are in perfect bodily health. They are also all U.S citizens.
I don’t believe I have come across an undocumented migrant that collects “disability payments”. I don’t believe it’s possible…
No idea how that would work. An undocumented person at my mom’s work was “borrowing” someone else’s identity to get paid. So they were contributing to social security with no way to ever collect on it.
My fiancee works at the welfare office in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. I literally just asked her and she said, “They can potentially get approved for medical assistance if it’s an emergency, but they’re not going to be able to get something like food stamps as an illegal immigrant.” Other states might be different, but that’s at least PA.
I literally know an elderly lady who is alienated from her family in Europe and lives in California without any papers, money, or a job, and she has her own apartment and makes due somehow.
No I’m not saying she oughta be deported or have her benefits cut or anything (she’s not living a particularly glorious lifestyle, believe me), just answering the question that was asked.
Searching “Vampire Dolphin movie” lead me to this wild plot synopsis for a movie called Reflecting Skin
"The film opens with Seth and his friends, Eben and Kim, playing with a frog Seth has found in the fields. The boys inflate the frog by inserting a reed up its anus and leave it by the side of the road. When a local English widow, Dolphin Blue, stops to inspect it, Seth shoots the inflated frog with a slingshot, causing it to explode over Dolphin. "
According to the plot, they suspect Dolphin of being a vampire. So close…
Please tell the world about how awesome communist rule is while in a free democracy. Please let those starving people in those concentration camps in China know how good they have it.
Well, it’s not a fair argument but non-communist countries have starved a lot more people to death than Communist countries ever had, but something tells me you’re not really here to learn anything or that you care for fair arguments.
China really isn’t. They gotta jump through some wild hoops to do business over there. Apparently the way they exchange value between companies is via some share of inventory for sales or whatever. It’s complicated AF, so I don’t know how to explain it.
Julan Du and Chenggang Xu analyzed the Chinese model in a 2005 paper to assess whether it represents a type of market socialism or capitalism. They concluded that China’s contemporary economic system represents a form of capitalism rather than market socialism because: (1) financial markets exist which permit private share ownership—a feature absent in the economic literature on market socialism; and (2) state profits are retained by enterprises rather than being distributed among the population in a social dividend or similar scheme, which are central features in most models of market socialism. Du and Xu concluded that China is not a market socialist economy, but an unstable form of capitalism.[18]
That’s from a Wikipedia. I’m not going to pretend to have a strong grasp on it but it’s state owned enterprises that function, essentially, as private (separate from government). That combined with production for profit > production for use makes it way more in the capitalist spectrum compared to Marxists ideology. Especially considering their human rights record.
Lol yes, abolishment of private property and government ownership of the means of production doesn’t automatically mean authoritarianism. How could I forget? To control a government best thing is to give them more power, gotcha. Thanks for clueing me into your logic steel trap dawg
My authoritarianism comment was in refrence to the “free democracy” comment, homie. Sorry if you need those things spoonfed to you. And state ownership doesn’t automatically mean public ownership. China is a real world example of that. Thanks for clueing me into your idiocy, dipshit.
Oof. I know it’s hard to get educated but it’s worth the effort. I recommend starting with a good encyclopedia. Unless those are simply far right dog whistles in your brain
Communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society.
So I looked it up on an online encyclopedia and it looks like communism is public ownership, not government ownership.
I’m not a communist so I might be missing a detail here or there, but this really doesn’t seem like it says anything about state ownership, especially considering the fact that a shorthand definition for communism that my communist friends love saying is “A stateless, classless, moneyless society where goods are distributed from each according to their ability to each according to their need”
Since it seems like you are certain about communism being authoritarian, here is an excerpt from the same encyclopedia (under the dropdown for “what is communism”)
However, over the years others have made contributions—or corruptions, depending on one’s perspective—to Marxist thought. Perhaps the most influential changes were proposed by Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, who notably supported authoritarianism.
I know many communists love to tie Lenin into communism, but it looks like this encyclopedia indicates that some people think differently about this!
If only getting educated was as easy as a fucking google search, and was almost no effort, instead of speaking out of your ass on something you don’t understand and blind opposition of prevented you from starting with a good ol’ encyclopedia.
You think that a commune can’t have voting? Well that says enough about your level of understanding. Would you really like some light on the definitions of words, or do you think you’re just bringing some slam dunk “haha commies bad” you learned from your grandpa?
The quiet part is that people in a country with abundant natural resources don’t want to have to share them with people from other places with fucked up situations. They want a walled garden because they think they can tend it well enough on their own to not be surrounded by extra burden. Who needs to compete when there’s enough to go around here?
If we were rational ourselves, we would bring our freedom to the countries who’s people are fleeing to us for refuge. Mexicans have it so bad that they’re running to us? Well clearly we’re doing it better than Mexico, so let’s clap their leadership and show them what’s good, right? I mean fuck. It’s better rationale for a war than trying to control some other place for is oil and pretending that’s not the case.
Idk if there’s oil in Mexico. The point I’m trying to make is that we’re ‘liberating’ under false pretenses and not doing it where that would at least make a little bit of sense.
If you take out the star, there are only two lines; one connected by the upper two circles, and one connecting the “dog nose” on the right to the lower bouncing circle.
You’re correct here, though It’s hard to take you seriously when you don’t understand what communism even is lol
Bummer, you just deleted your post where you clearly indicate a lack of understanding of communism. Your lack of accountability would siyt a communist system so it’s starting to make sense to me
Bro, you think the government controls the means of production in communism. Where do you get the audacity to claim anybody else doesn’t know what they’re talking about? 😂
I know I’m wasting words with this, but genuinely, read some theory.
Interesting that you think it doesn’t. I suppose that’s why you support it. That is the textbook definition- you know, those things you’re supposed to be reading?
Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’) is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.
It’s tough to get past the first paragraph, so I understand. If you had continued reading you’d understand that this common ownership needs to be enacted by the State. I’ll wait while that sinks in.
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