blackouttripleseven, smh my head
umbrella, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
Lemminary, I am so swole. My neck is thicker than my shoulders.
ShitOnABrick, I’m surprised you burn any calories at all
jacktherippah, Hey thats what my Asian mom doeswhen I tell her I did something! Must be getting the headshakes in, burnin’ some calories, eh?
UltraMagnus0001, im indian
RoverRacecar, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
Octopus1348, And I get all my money from doing this (I’m a reaction YouTuber)
lseif, i dont believe this smh
lseif, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
lseif, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
milicent_bystandr, Are these bots in the comments multiple posting? Or is someone having trouble using Lemmy?
Ilovethebomb, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
lseif, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
Ilovethebomb, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
Ilovethebomb, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
Ilovethebomb, This has the vibes of Facebook memes.
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