That video is dope. Dude hadn’t posted on YouTube in 2 years and then drops a 6 hour video on EVE Online. We almost lost him to that fuckin game, lmao.
He hadn’t posted because of how much work he and his team were putting into the EVE Online video. They wanted to do justice to the topic and I think they succeeded.
During that time he was still streaming on Twitch regularly so he didn’t just drop off the planet.
As someone that played that game from 2014 to 2021…
Don’t play that game…
My character turns 10 next year, and I’m planning on doing a charity livestream where I spend all of my money on shitty fleets, getting blown up a lot, and when the ISK runs out, biomassing the character.
I played with Goonswarm back during their rise to power in 2005-2010, probably the most interesting time period in the game.
I agree, avoid it like the plague and just read about it instead. The game itself is a boring grind and playing at the top level is basically a full time job.
Pretty funny that the currency is the same abbreviation as the currency of the country the devs are based in (Íslensk króna). I had no idea even though I walk past their headquarters every week.
This was low-key one of the most exciting moments when I actually visited Iceland. First thing we did was stop off at a cash machine and I was giggling like a child at the ISK. Also found a shop called Aurum (the name of the premium in-game currency) so clearly that’s an Icelandic word too although I could never figure out exactly what it means.
Holy shit! Thank you for this! I’ve seen many of these already and loved them all. It’s great to see that there are many more for me in the near future again!
10 minutes? Oh neat, that sounds like a nice little snack, maybe a new topic to discover?
Half an hour? Oooh, this could get interesting, this could be a pretty good introduction to the topic.
An hour? Nice, someone clearly did some research and isn’t skimping in details! Time to learn something.
Six hours? Holy heck, this topic must be much deeper than I though! This person clearly did some homework and has something to say! Time to get consumed.
There is a german youtuber who does a “5 minute Harry Podcast” where she analyzes 5 minutes of the first Harry Potter movie each time and they are mostly half an hour to an hour long.
There’s a podcast I listen to where they talk about a random episode of Top of the Pops. Each episode of TOTP was usually around 25 minutes, each episode of that podcast averages 5 hours at this point.
yess I spent a weekend watching that when it first came out and it was an awesome watch. I think about 4 hrs in is when I finally realized his name was a euphemism lol
Do people actually sit down and watch these focused? I see longer and longer videos on YouTube because the algorithm seems to favour those, but for me, the longer it is, the more chance it has to be played as background noise or not played at all.
Yeah. Sometimes I get a bit fidgety and like to do something with my hands, so I’ll do some knitting or something, but I always pay attention primarily to the video. I feel like I don’t really remember anything from videos if I listen to them in the background.
I love em’. Better than anything else on TV imo. I love a full breakdown of an analog horror ARG or an internet mystery rabbit hole deep dive. And usually because ots just one dedicated creator with no deadline/boss/focus group/format to appease, they have so much more character, charm and uniquenes… There’s no studio who could hold my attention with the cookie cutter slop on any of the streaming platforms.
Video essays are like the perfect cross between a podcast and an audiobook. They’re long enough to put on while I’m doing something else, like cleaning or studying, but short enough to get through in one sitting. And then if I need a break from what I’m doing, I can focus on the video for a little.
Another really good Video by a different Channel, some more news
A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson - 2h 55m - A methodical, step by step dismantlement of the idea that Jordan Peterson is anything else than a Right Winger and a moron.
A four hour stream of someone fixing a device I don’t own and likely never will – gimme. So satisfying, though I have no use whatever for this knowledge.
It was hilarious to see the guy that ran the company trying to claim he was involved in making the Oof sound, struggling to identify any nonlinear video/audio software terms to explain how much work it took to make what most amateur YouTubers could do in an afternoon and then claim it’s THE REASON Roblox succeeded lol
Worst MMO Ever is incredible. The time and attention he spends deep diving into truly terrible MMOs is an artistic labor of love. I could never do it but I sure enjoy watching him do it for me.
The way he completely bashed Alchemia Story in his last video makes me think that he found the bottom of the barrel. That, or he’s getting so frustrated that he won’t even try to look for silver linings anymore.
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