I work at a school and I don’t get up early much. Mostly start at 12. My class starts at 14:30. So weeks I work from 8:00 till 22:00 but that are just 6 or 7 in the year.
Most meetings with colleagues are also in the afternoon. We are not morning people.
I remember when I first got a full time job. I had finished school at that point. Every day I was just so fucking exhausted and wondered how the hell adults do this every day until they die. And then you have some people who do a zillion things after work and I’m just like how the fuck??
I still like working a milion times better than school because…1. I have the type of job that I cannot bring home with me. I don’t have to constantly worry about homework and can really just fully relax at the end of the day. I never could when I was in school. 2. I get to earn my own money and buy whatever the hell I want (so long as I can afford it).
I just went back to school to get a technical degree after 5 years working, school is definitely worse. I know its only temporary but I hate my life right now lol
I do workshops and professional courses only nowadays without any final test. I cannot stand the whole exams, assignments thing anymore. I did too much of them and I am old enough that I am a peer to professors. And I used to teach at university…
I like to learn, I don’t have time to waste in all the evaluation/marking BS.
This hits home, I’ve got an MSC and years of experience in my field in a research setting (pathology/histology) and I’m going back to get certified for med lab and oh my god is it ever unfriendly for mature students. I’ve been through some stressful times in life and every time I say “wow that was brutal, at least i’ll never be this stressed out ever again” and this is far and away the most stressed out I’ve ever been, the program is insane. its not complicated, its just a firehose of convoluted lectures, readings, assignments, half the time I’m just trying to organize everything, they just offloaded everything onto the student. I barely have time to make dinner, I can’t remember the last time I had an hour to myself between school and my old lab, there aren’t enough hours in a day. I’m never going back to school after this, it’ll be worth it in the long run but this’ll probably take a few years off my lifespan.
Same here, I don’t feel like the tests did more than stress me out. They’re just shortcuts to force people to study but I feel like I learned more when the will came from within. I mean, I got pretty far out there on certain topics that were not required but explained a whole lot.
I remember reading in college and essay about school is for making you tolerant doing the same thing say in day out for 50+ years 8 hours a day. It really clicked and made understand why I did so poorly in high school but thrived in college.
Now that i get paid and dont hate my life i dont mind getting up early. Not ideal but yay money.
My education was a fucking joke and all the people who said that I’d miss highschool are wrong. Highschool and school in general was awful and i was very checked out for a large majority of it.
My dude they didn’t even teach me typing let alone cursive. They tried but my handwriting is trash to begin with.
And my only knowledge of Shakespeare came from drama class which real talk kinda thankful for because i found out real quick i do not care fo Shakespeare lol
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