
EurekaStockade, Steamed broccoli that is only just tender but still a little bit crisp in the core is amazing and I’m sorry you’re deprived of that OP.
Also you don’t even like corn? Everybody likes corn. C’mon OP at least eat some corn.
minyakcurry, Steamed? Nah you gotta stir fry that shit for maximum flavor. Or pop some in the oven/air fryer to get delicious crispy broccoli.
Rodeo, Steaming is the most flavorless way to cook anything.
c0mbatbag3l, ![]()
So add some butter and seasoning.
Rodeo, I do, and use the butter to fry it in a pan so the nutrients don’t leech out into the water and get discarded.
Baphomet_The_Blasphemer, You don’t drink the steamed broccoli water with your meal? Weird.
Rodeo, My dad did and the family all called it “yuck spit”. I always thought it was just a weird dad thing.
Baphomet_The_Blasphemer, Well, I was just making a stupid joke. I didn’t think people actually did that.
Rodeo, Ok so it was just a weird dad thing lol
c0mbatbag3l, ![]()
There’s no way in hell that isn’t an old wives tale.
Kolanaki, ![]()
Fuck cauliflower. Fucking fart smellin’ bullshit.
Baphomet_The_Blasphemer, Brussel sprouts are the real fart fuel.
qooqie, A well cooked veggie dish is usually better than an equally well cooked meat dish, obviously tastes are tastes and mine is always right
Sharpiemarker, Mine tastes is always right
PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, ![]()
Me irl
Mandarbmax, OP is cringe and vitamin deficient.
MrFunnyMoustache, I get not liking some vegetables, but none of them?
Semi-Hemi-Demigod, ![]()
What a lack of seasoning does to a MFer
Rodeo, Inb4 OP gets scurvy.
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