PP_BOY_, This might be the lowest effort meme I’ve ever seen on Lemmy
Touching_Grass, (edited ) So? The whole point of memes are that they are lazy shit posts. I’m just thankful people are creating them. Let’s not act like these are suppose to be art or that we’re somehow meme aficandos
Rentlar, Give OP some slack, they might be making the meme on their phone and posting while at work. Gotta post it before the manager sees them.
Bob_Robertson_IX, Fuck that… I’m a manager and I’m always creating memes on my phone at work that’s much higher quality than this.
Also, managers also know that office life sucks, we’re just trying to keep the wheels moving and the paychecks coming.
PP_BOY_, This isn’t even making a meme though, this is a screenshot of a TikTok video and it doesn’t even make sense as a static picture
NocturnalMorning, (edited ) To be fair, this is called lemmyshitpost, not lemmygreateffortposting
RGB3x3, (edited ) Morale is a problem that solves itself when people are paid well and given satisfying, stimulating work and are treated with respect.
You can’t pizza party your way out of a boring, meaningless, or stressful job.
Thteven, Money please
Gloomy, 🍆💦
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